why i hate edgy emo pretentious anime rant

Nietzsche is burning in hell and you shall join him there.
I like morality so I think Nietzsche is a massive FAGGOT
Existentialism is literally just another religion, replete with incoherent and unfalsifiable claims about reality. It even has its own set of buzz words: "slave morality," "absurd," etc. And they spam at least as much as the Christians. Half the religion threads are some Nietzschefags posting godjaks. They are as dogmatic and self assured of their own dogma.

But in some ways I find them worse because existentialism is like the official religion of fart sniffing Boomers, who rather than rejecting science have helped corrupt it with their retarded scientism, try to derail real science and philosophy whenever it might contradict their dogmas, see the whole EES scandal in biology, etc.

That and their shit tier philosophical takes. "OMG, based Nietzsche said all philosophers before him were retards, he is soooo right. No way he demonstrates a fairly shit tier understanding of his peers' work."
Nietzsche is a fag.

He’s a reddit tier soyboy fag from the 1800’s. He’s a homosexual.

It’s not surprising he came from a single mum home
I suppose it's partly mindset, but my environment serves as my tangible proof or justification of faith. I believe in Jesus Christ because of my circumstances and the world around me. The perfect conditions for life miraculously/coincidentally existing serves as tangible proof of God, I can touch the things around me, there must be a creator, I find it ridiculous that things would so perfectly come together by chance or by nothing or whatever it is that atheists believe.

As for why I choose to believe in god the Bible simply makes more sense and is more believable. Islam claims Jesus was a prophet who spoke the truth but also denies his claims of being one with the Father.

Try and get closer to Jesus rather than reading your emo Nietzsche nonsense and he may give you more reasons to have faith in him. He works in subtle but effective ways, I prayed to him before shooting up heroin and told him that I would change one day and he got me caught/forced me to quit within an hour.
I've been thinking about this for a couple of years. It's as if people try to outsource their views on reality/unreality by reading the books of the sanctioned great philosophers.

You have to remember though, not only were these guys scribbling their syphilis-addled thoughts over 200 years ago for the most part, they also lived in an incredibly different time to where we live now. Although, that isn't fully a reason to throw philosophy in the garbage can because some things are eternally true no matter what time period you are living in. But it's a gripe I've had about the entire subject.

Hardly any of these philosophers have came up with anything remotely worth listening to. And what's worse, is that many of these people have been forgotten and our modern philosophers like Jordan Peterson are a poor imitation of even THOSE people. I think this is what gives the 'greats' more credence because if you have any amount of intelligence you will realize that JP is a sell out retard and has absolutely nothing worth talking about and you'll begin reading the older stuff. Andrew Tate is even considered somewhat of a philosopher these days which is fucking hilarious. He's a con artist that's all.

But that is a huge trap. You will become mired in the psychotic thoughts of a retard from 200 years ago believing you have found the answer to all of lifes questions. In reality, you have closed yourself off to coming to your own very specific (and probably very interesting) conclusions. You look at everything through the lens of these philosophers and you don't actually end up living your own life, even if you intended to use their views as a guide rather than a lifestyle. There are quite a few people I know who are like this and I am grateful I never turned into that.

One of the biggest philosophical traps is this ideal of living minimalistically. Being minimalistic is actually a good thing in itself but many people take that to mean cutting people and things out of your life, not because they are harmful but because it's "too much". A lot of people that subscribe to minimalism fall into the same but opposite category of obsessives as materialistic people. Materialistic people gather resources for the sake of it and to feel they are moving up in the world. They get dopamine from acquiring the latest new thing. Minimalists throw out everything they have regardless of its sentimental value and they get dopamine from it because they believe they are moving forward in the world by having absolutely nothing to their name except the essentials. Having things with sentimental value is incredibly important for growth and happiness, regardless of what it is.

You are better off reading the story-based works of Tolkien and C.S. Lewis than you are reading any of the philosophical texts of the last 200 years. Of course these books have certain leanings in their work (especially C.S. Lewis as he was a very religious Christian - moreso than Tolkien in my opinion) but the fantasy stories they came up with are unbelievably good. Overall though, you are better reading the Bible if I am honest.
most nihilists are just a bunch of whining fagots. You could be perfectly sane, but you will still complain that life is meaningless or whatever crap you spew. Your ideology is unnecessarily demoralizing and you need to shut the fuck up and stop complaining about every trivial thing and then turning it into a reason to commit suicide.
The irony is that if you cared you would stop complaining and accept things as they are instead of infecting the youth with your stupid ideology. Fuck off
God, I despise nihilists. Just fucking kill yourself if nothing matters.
I've always tried to tell something like this to nihilists and edgy faggots, that if you can't find faith in God, find virtue in yourself. Even if you believe there is no higher value or power, at least enjoy the life you've got and reap its benefits (though not without hard work and passion). The "meaning" of life is literally anything you make of it.
reminder that nihilism is nothing more than a cope embraced by weaklings that recognize their own failures, but are so self-indulgent and solipsistic they project their insecurity to the people, world, and reality around them. They only exist to bring those with even an ounce of will down, adding to their writhing, moaning, masses of mediocrity. Do not let it consume you.
and Suicide is the coward's way out.
You can't change my mind.

There is no positive to suicide, all it does is hurt everyone around the person who commit suicide, family, friends, coworkers, and even strangers. The person who commits suicide is a coward and not worth remembering.
Btw fuck male suicide and fuck men’s mental health. I support incel, autistic or anything that isn’t a degenerate good life sexhaver’s mental health.

I don’t give a fuck if some weak minded zogbot enslaved goy faggot shoots himself because his only issue was going through a breakup. Not only was he a selfish piece of shit but he’s also a pussy.

Imagine the difference between a KHHV incel whos suffered his life having his problems overshadowed by some faggot who shot himself over a bitch. They’re all in hell I piss on their graves. Also fuck uhhh this middle aged middle class weak males who kill themselves and leave their families behind because of a FUCKING JOB. I’m not talking about men who get fucked by divorce or lose custody im talking about men with stable families who shoot themselves because muhh wageslave. Wageslaving sucks but you’re a pussy faggot if you do this and ur grave should be pissed on.

I don’t give a fuck about weak minded Normie pieces of shit supporting some other estrogenic faggot shooting himself over something small. No your problems are minuscule you haven’t gone through any major or tragic loss, you haven’t experienced true loneliness nor have you experienced ostracization. Why should I feel sympathy for people who kill themselves despite not going through any hardships.
It's like rage quitting a game. Life's tough grow some fucking balls. People who kill themselves are fucking pussies who needed to suck on their mom's left tit to get through life. A mutual friend I had recently killed himself and when I found out I audibly laughed. He was a normal guy, with a good family and had killed himself because his girlfriend cheated on him lmaooo. The only time suicide is even remotely acceptable is if you've been taken by the cartel and they're torturing you everyday hours a day.
what did naruto do in the latest season
fuck this pretentious pseudo intellectual faggy faggot 2deep4u cunt KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! faggot i hope this post gets deleted and i hope urobuchi gets raped in the ass by a huge black cock fuck that emo edgy pretentious cunt hack
https://thereforeitis.wordpress.com/tag/fate/ fate zero is a pile of edgy emo overrated pretentious horseshit and anyone who likes it and praises this a fucking cunt and a faggot #fuckfatezero #fatezerosucks
also fuck this pretentious 2deep4u cunt https://grimsinnerotaku.wordpress.c...hash=078548e0217d2464113708f7d8e680c2#respond and fuck this pretentious 2deep4u faggot cunt faggy KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! https://thereforeitis.wordpress.com...hash=172a3bb023d1b6eb9b7ab1b96a254573#respond fate zero is a pile of edgy emo overrated pretentious horseshit and anyone who likes it and praises this a fucking cunt and a faggot #fuckfatezero #fatezerosucks
fuck this pretentious pseudo intellectual faggy faggot 2deep4u cunt KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! faggot i hope this post gets deleted and i hope urobuchi gets raped in the ass by a huge black cock fuck that emo edgy pretentious cunt hack
https://thereforeitis.wordpress.com/tag/fate/ fate zero is a pile of edgy emo overrated pretentious horseshit and anyone who likes it and praises this a fucking cunt and a faggot #fuckfatezero #fatezerosucks
nigga I an't clicking on any of that shit
also fuck this pretentious 2deep4u cunt https://grimsinnerotaku.wordpress.c...hash=078548e0217d2464113708f7d8e680c2#respond and fuck this pretentious 2deep4u faggot cunt faggy KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! https://thereforeitis.wordpress.com...hash=172a3bb023d1b6eb9b7ab1b96a254573#respond fate zero is a pile of edgy emo overrated pretentious horseshit and anyone who likes it and praises this a fucking cunt and a faggot #fuckfatezero #fatezerosucks
that link is going to anally rape my computer
also fuck this shitty faggot and fuck cunt this faggot too smart this dick in mouth you fucking faggot pretentious edgelord cunt kiritsugu is a emo faggot and fucking edgy cunt edgelord and fuck his sob emo edgelord faggy story fuck everyone who likes this kiritsugu emo faggot and shit ass faggot and fuck cunt too the nasuverse is pile of fucking pretentious 2deep4u emo edgy overrated dogshit and fuck everyone who like this nasu and urobuchi faggots hacks and fuck this faggot bitch edgy emo pretentious cunt too i hope his ass gets raped by a huge cock and fate pretentious 2deep4u overrated edgy garbage and the edgy pretentious faggot bitch ass cunt fans
also fuck this shitty faggot and fuck cunt this faggot too smart this dick in mouth you fucking faggot pretentious edgelord cunt kiritsugu is a emo faggot and fucking edgy cunt edgelord and fuck his sob emo edgelord faggy story fuck everyone who likes this kiritsugu emo faggot and shit ass faggot and fuck cunt too the nasuverse is pile of fucking pretentious 2deep4u emo edgy overrated dogshit and fuck everyone who like this nasu and urobuchi faggots hacks and fuck this faggot bitch edgy emo pretentious cunt too i hope his ass gets raped by a huge cock and fate pretentious 2deep4u overrated edgy garbage and the edgy pretentious faggot bitch ass cunt fans
also fuck this cunt faggot too tragic this dick in your mouth fucking emo pretentious cunt faggot fate zero is a pile of shit overrated misery porn edgelord pile of fucking cunt shit i hope this faggot gets cancer
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