why is libreoffice writer actual cancer

seriously i almost failed a homework assignment because i couldn't fucking lay out the images of the answers i answered with xournal without it inexplicably breaking everything for no reason. i had to resort to making separate documents for every page, using an online PDF merger, and submitting it 5 minutes before the deadline

how did they fuck up inserting images this bad
seriously i almost failed a homework assignment because i couldn't fucking lay out the images of the answers i answered with xournal without it inexplicably breaking everything for no reason. i had to resort to making separate documents for every page, using an online PDF merger, and submitting it 5 minutes before the deadline

how did they fuck up inserting images this bad

Maybe you just suck at technology.
Use latex like a chad
what prevents you from downloading a pirated ms office like a normal person?
you can even download just word if you don't care for the entire suite of programs

btw yes, libreoffice is pure cancer
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