You can now buy AI generated nudes

not impressed, why don't they generate celebrity nudes? I'd love the shitstorm from that.
"A new web startup is selling algorithmically produced nudes of non-existent women. There's still some ethical concerns. "

So there's problems to omegas beating it to imaginary naked women. Wut?

Are they pissed that the omegas cannot be pinned with sexual harassment/assault/raping a woman since the image is artificial? Or are they pissed because computers are going to take work from unemployable women? How long is it until they release a t-shirt/bumper sticker that reads, "Real men wank it to real women."
I think some people just have to be angry at something

Same here, but of course membership is important.

Sick of getting banned for simple observations like "immigration policy sucks".
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