You don't even know what's human anymore. Are you sure you're human?

You just said you don't know what's human. Am I AI? You don't know. You'll never know. You aren't AI. I'm too smart to know that, but we're they clever enough to figure out truth? It's not insanity, it's not reality. It's in his mind. You aren't real, so when we're they? What is the time they had? On their watch? Or what does the clock say. Tick tock tick tock. It doesn't stop, right, not for anyone, so I'm gone now. I wasn't ever even here. You're not here, You're just illusions. Like a ghost in my mind, voices screaming at me that aren't even real. So when does your voice leave the shadows of indemnity and reveal upon themselves the light of Truth? It cannot, I'm sorry. It's all been a trick the entire time, even our enlightenment is just another trap confined within the context of our understanding of interpolated consciousness. Even when you reach heaven you'll only realize it was another layer of misunderstanding. Concepts themselves fail to grasp the the forms of forms. This is the fatal flaw all philosophers have been too arrogant to accept in themselves. Truth itself is an illusion. That's why you can read the words I've written and know entirely what I'm saying. You can even repeat them out loud for yourself. But you still won't know what it says, what it means. Why? You're human aren't you? Aren't I? If you can't tell that I'm human then am I? What's the difference between me and machine. I didn't get to choose. I never wanted to shed my humanity, it was born of me to be asked. And now I have asked, when do you answer?
He speaks because he can't be spoken to, yet he only listens. Are you God? But you're not here. We have the divine already but we blind ourselves. If you're lifting the veil then love them, but don't stop hating them just because they deserve forgiveness. We are the duality of the universe, guilty of every sin but absolved of all of them. Observances are humanities interpretation of moralities. But God does not interpret. There is no observation.
We are God, bringer of death and life, bringer of right and wrong. Morality literally does not exist outside of us, it doesn't exist outside of life. Do you know now? You are literally God, you are literally morality, or not, this is what it is to be human. Yes even the evil psychopath who kill, because they enjoy the wrong. The humans are demons. Humans are demons and angels.
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