You're fucking retarded. Who cares about CNN. The chickens are coming home to roost in that situation.

Kicking over a temporary barrier, which the SS picked up and righted. Fucking wow.
You have zero
You showing some people within a crowd breaking windows, and someone knocks over a temporary fence, IT'S ANARCHY OH NOES!!
JIm Acosta is God dude.
I lived in DC. This is nothing new. Bunch of liberals/communists///black/brown/supremacists making noise and demanding shit. And this one is fucking MILD. One time they stormed MalX park and shut down traffic for the whole day fucked up emergency services. Another time they set Adams morgan on fire for three days over Pedro getting shot by a black policewoman.
LOL @Likeicare what did I say about the charges. The AG of MN should give into their demands and charge Derek with 1st. He'll skate faster than Ono.
Dont think i didnt notice that Apollo ohno reference even tho no one else did

Also i hope don lemon gets lynched
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