Why the fuck are caffeine pills a thing?

Just by some of these. Their coffee pouches. I fuckin love them. They're supposed to be for people who are addicted to tobacco, but you can also just have these if you don't have time to make coffee.

Try 'Em All Ten Can Variety Pack – Grinds Coffee Pouches
I actually can drink coffee now. I grew a taste for it (with cream of course).
I guess black is for the real niggas like me
Just by some of these. Their coffee pouches. I fuckin love them. They're supposed to be for people who are addicted to tobacco, but you can also just have these if you don't have time to make coffee.

View attachment 5859
Is that chewing tobacco but coffee instead of tobacco?
You can get the 100mg strength.

I take allot of them for work, they are easier on the stomach and get you legally spun. Very good for truck drivers, shipping handlers, people who have to be up at 330am in the morning and then work 12 and half hours plus commute without dying on the highway. However I am now addicted to taking about 500mgs of caffine everyday.
and I thought I was taking it easy with 2-4 250mg tabs a day
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