You're an idiot, his references suck, I srsly doubt that man actually went to med school or has a PhD in anything (MD PhD isn't really a thing unless he never did residency cuz he couldn't match cuz he barely passed his boards) and he writes at a 9th grade level.

I've never seen a more poorly written academic paper and if you actually believe that then I hope you don't get the vaccine.

Save it for the down syndrome kid bagging groceries at the supermarket, hes got more to offer society then you ever will.
Im not interested in getting the Astra-zeneca vaccine which is all they are giving out in Canada right now, as it dosent provide much immunity against covid, but I would take the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, which is apparently going to inject a tracking device into me so that bill gates can moniter me from epstein's island at all times.

Radha, any thoughts and which vaccines work the best ?Also i dont want to get jabbed 4 times a year just cuz a variant popped up.
My advice is take what you can get. Magic dick pill vaccine, blood clot maker (seems to only effect women which may have a hormonal base instead of being the fault of the vaccine) or the kiiinda immunity one. Any is better than Rona.

Theres still alot we don't know about the immunity level and how long each shot will last. If herd immunity is reached we may eradicate the virus to the point that we don't need to worry about boosters.

Who knows. Just don't fucking cough on each other, lick doorknobs or listen to ppl who throw alphabet soups after their name to pretend their poorly made websites have any kinda pull.
My advice is take what you can get. Magic dick pill vaccine, blood clot maker (seems to only effect women which may have a hormonal base instead of being the fault of the vaccine) or the kiiinda immunity one. Any is better than Rona.

Theres still alot we don't know about the immunity level and how long each shot will last. If herd immunity is reached we may eradicate the virus to the point that we don't need to worry about boosters.

Who knows. Just don't fucking cough on each other, lick doorknobs or listen to ppl who throw alphabet soups after their name to pretend their poorly made websites have any kinda pull.
Aight, im still hoping for pfizer or moderna. Canada is vaccinating 55s + now , so it will be a long time before I get one at least another 6 weeks.
Lol all you lte pussies, fucking upgrade 5Gis the best, I'm so fast!!!?!!?!!!
I may have just saved not only your life but also the lives of your descendants. Thank me later.

Break into your local pharmacy and take every dose they have. I can "thank you later" by giving you a sad hand job while you eat an ice cream cone. But I get to choose the flavor.
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