Meaningless words. AIPAC has the lock on Congress and the Presidency. The US is run by Israel. With the Democrat win in November they will finally get around to repealing the Amendments as written and reinstall a new "Bill of Rights." Which I think will be renamed rather quickly to the Bill of Wrongs.
As if one couldn't hate the jew any more.
why, it's great. i hate you faggots exporting your puritanism as if that's somehow good for kids, almost no new videos without some retarded censorship on youtube anymore thanks to "family friendly".
porn, violence, and complex adult themes should be pushed onto children because nothing's funnier than broken children who grow up and the mayhem that can ensue because because restricting it is inconvenient to me.
Kids should not see certain content until they are at an age to understand it.
Kids should not be sexualized.
Kids should not be introduced to homosex/trannie/pedophilia
Kids should not see glorified violence.
Kids should not see certain content until they are at an age to understand it.
Kids should not be sexualized.
Kids should not be introduced to homosex/trannie/pedophilia
Kids should not see glorified violence.
im sure kids being parked in front of a screen unsupervised all day will turn out MUCH worse because they saw people say fuck on youtube
im sure kids being parked in front of a screen unsupervised all day will turn out MUCH worse because they saw people say fuck on youtube
I agree that by the time an average child reaches 12 they've seen a tit, dick, and heard every curse word known, but it shouldn't be accessible.
Do I want to go 15 MPH through a school zone. Fuck no. I want to get home and eat cookies. but for the safety of the kids do I endure the inconvenience? Sure.

Why is that such an inconvenience. How much less content are you being kept from bro?
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