2025 Rule 34 Contest....

I was asked about making a thread about this contest, which seems to be a tradition. If you have ideas how the contest should be ran please reply below. I am thinking we get things kicked-off April fools day, if not sooner.
I agree, rule #1 no AI.

If it's anything like the last two times, it will be ending around FOTY 2027.

Rule #2 we will place a time limit. Let's say from April to May 1st. Unless you think 30 days is not enough.

erotic literature should be admissible

:pf: maybe a seperate contest for that to go with the rule 34 drawings?
Pretty sure the last time we did it there was a subject and a certain time frame to do it. I can't remember if the subjects were all related to EDF entirely or not.

I've gotten a lot better at drawing since I first joined so I would participate

There's also an image for the tournament bracket that's always 'lulzy' (as the newfags say)

We will choose a subject then via poll later on.
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