Victor Davis Hanson: Why Won’t Europe Help ‘Rockstar’ Zelenskyy?

Wait wat haven't we been fighting ur wars for the past 25 years. Name the last war dumbfuckistan won without the UK or help. BTW Grenada doesnt count.
Wait wat haven't we been fighting ur wars for the past 25 years. Name the last war dumbfuckistan won without the UK or help. BTW Grenada doesnt count.
What are you babbling about? When there was a minor dust up in the Balkans the Europeans pleaded for American military help to tamp it down. When Libya was imploding Europe begged for American military help to end that contretemps. When Ukraine foolishly provoked Russia into defending itself the Europeans cried for American help and America responded in spades with FAR more weaponry and training than the Eurofags offered up.

All of these things happened in Europe’s backyard.
What are you babbling about? When there was a minor dust up in the Balkans the Europeans pleaded for American military help to tamp it down. When Libya was imploding Europe begged for American military help to end that contretemps. When Ukraine foolishly provoked Russia into defending itself the Europeans cried for American help and America responded in spades with FAR more weaponry and training than the Eurofags offered up.

All of these things happened in Europe’s backyard.
all instigated by the cia and have u forgot ur war on terror
all instigated by the cia and have u forgot ur war on terror
None of it was started by the CIA. The Balkans were a mess of competing interests when Yugoslavia broke apart. Libya had been run by a madman for many decades. Ukraine was and is the most corrupt nation in Europe and that hasn’t changed for over 2 decades.

The war on terror was a combined effort of western nations to root out islamic dirtbags….or did you forget about the muzzie terrorism in England, France, Germany, Sweden, and other eurofag nations?
once again all instigated by dumbfuckistan
Nah, Europe is a bunch of small nations jammed cheek-by-jowl next to each other and crammed into a fake union where they pretend to like one another whilst actually and utterly loathing the very existence of anyone different from themselves.

Add to this a strange, retarded, and ultimately damaging far-Left ideology that’s enveloped most of western and central europe and you end up with governments welcoming in millions of planet earth’s worst turd world sh•tskins at the expense of the safety and security of their own citizens.
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