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  • i did some digging about nicotiana rustica in poland, apparently it was popular because it was easier to grow in our climate but ultimately fell out of fashion because despite higher nicotine condensation it was considered worse in taste and cheaper, might be fun to look if i can find any wild plants near my town next spring bc i'm 90% sure i saw those lil green flowers growing somewhere
    extremely jealous rn. had no idea until a few minutes ago but mr olympia was goin' on in vegas all weekend n mike o'hearn had a booth there. you've been in a 50 mile radius a legend all weekend
    do you feel an urge to power squat?
    • Good Question
    Reactions: Barrabas
    Hernia makes that pretty impossible, tbh. Did see a number of androgynous weirdos walking around with tree-trunk legs tho, when out and about the last couple days.
    • Feels
    Reactions: minty
    i'm guessing the androgynousness is in the face? fake bogdanoff "chad" influencers are a dime a dozen...
    at least they aren't skipping leg day
    No, they're literally of indecipherable sex. Like, Fabio-hair, wiry body, sharp faced, skintight clothes.

    They are definitely not skipping leg day, them things were like tree trunks.
    • Informative
    Reactions: minty
    After a lecture on terrorism in the Middle-East and the cell structure of Al-Qaeda, former CIA director John Brennan was accosted by a little old lady.

    "Your theory that the terrorists are the center column of the threats to our nation, and democracy everywhere has a very convincing ring to it, Mr. Brennan, but it's wrong. I've got a better theory," she said.

    "And what is that, madam?" inquired Brennan politely.

    "That we live in a culture and world that has been completely shaped by US Intel agencies and their partners abroad."

    Not wishing to demolish this absurd little theory by bringing to bear the masses of published journalists he had at his command, Brennan decided to gently dissuade his opponent by making her see some of the inadequacies of her position.

    "If your theory is correct, madam, what culture did these spooks spring from?"

    "You're a very clever man, Mr. Brennan, and that's a very good question," replied the little old lady, "but I have an answer to it. And it's this: The first glowie organization was organized out of a second, far larger, organization, which existed before it."

    "But where did this second secret organization come from then?" persisted Brennan patiently.

    To this, the old woman crowed triumphantly, "It's no use, Mr. Brennan!—it's glowies all the way down!"
    Hello. I don’t know if we were ever formally introduced, but I want to welcome you to EDF. Now, EDF can be a strange place for newcomers, so if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me for advice.
    So it's "you" again.
    • I Agree
    Reactions: Barrabas
    Yes, "me"... again.
    I didn't appreciate the little things in life, i miss the old iteration already, but mostly many users that are not here now.
    You never know when some of them might come back. Doubtful in a lot of cases tho.
    hey Hunter S Thompson, how's the large titted mountain bats
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