fleacollerindustry May 12, 2021 > You have been awarded a badge: Autistic for Statistics YOU FUCKING KNOW IT There is a 79.3% probability that EDF is at least 23.9% better because I'm here. And I have the graphs to prove it!
> You have been awarded a badge: Autistic for Statistics YOU FUCKING KNOW IT There is a 79.3% probability that EDF is at least 23.9% better because I'm here. And I have the graphs to prove it!
fleacollerindustry Feb 4, 2021 Because I can't log into the wiki (yet), I'm just gonna post links to my backup articles here for later rebuilding.
Because I can't log into the wiki (yet), I'm just gonna post links to my backup articles here for later rebuilding.
fleacollerindustry Jul 30, 2020 God I still need to find out which of my articles need to be rewritten....
Very funny!!