Recent content by minty

  1. minty

    Note worthy YouTube Channels/vids

    literally fishing for compliments. sweaty you're beautiful n big-brained okay
  2. minty

    dunno why i didn't think to link this until now but david lynch theater channel

    dunno why i didn't think to link this until now but david lynch theater channel
  3. minty

    What Are You Eating Right NOW?

    had ice kweem cone mountain hucklebewwy :meow:
  4. minty

    Dildos indoor grow tent of fun and profit

    smth smth learning how the world works has a liberal bias or whatever
  5. minty

    Dildos indoor grow tent of fun and profit

    lookin' good!
  6. minty

    mint farm 2.0

    literally obsessed
  7. minty

    Note worthy YouTube Channels/vids

    enjoy the polish national ballet with full orchestra. or don't, if you're low iq uncultured swine
  8. minty

    mint farm 2.0

    i am letting most of the grow spots in the yard chill out this year n threw clover seeds in them. gonna maybe do a few small pumpkins but mostly stick to greenhouse growbed fall/spring greens n carrots. started some potats in some deeper tubs too. marie hentoinette started crowing after i...
  9. minty

    book thread

    i am gonna end up blowing this out of the water i think... i had read some shorter/faster to read books and i've been using a notebook to keep track of what i read n i found myself abt halfway through february with an equal share of days in and books read so i was like fuck it let's book sprint...
  10. minty

    hello you beautiful faggot!

    hello you beautiful faggot!
  11. minty

    What was your first job?

    pimping out yer mom
  12. minty

    What are you drinking

    might as well meet me in the ring, bitch ass
  13. minty

    What are you drinking

    peppermint coffee with creamer, whip cream on top, and since i ate the last of my peppermint sprinkles i got these bumblebee themed ones this shit is gangbusters
  14. minty

    mint farm 2.0

    same i'm the only one that likes tomatoes too. or spiciness. trying to cook for the whole house is a waste of time. still threw mushies in the slow cooker with the latest pot roast anyway my husband looked at me disappointed while i was dicin' 'em n i told him they're big enough he can scoop...
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