Recent content by squiggles2

  1. squiggles2

    Trying to become ambidextrous

    Ok, I tried left handed chop sticks and drop the sushi and knocked over the soy sauce. Lesson learned. I'm still learning. However, this now gets me back onto trying to unlock the power of foot become hand syndrome. Benefits: 1) Hey, you don't have to wash your feet because you don't eat or...
  2. squiggles2

    Trying to become ambidextrous

    Speaking of ambidextrous, I'm now learning how to use chopsticks with my left hand. I'd learn to write with my left hand if I didn't streak the ink or lead across the sheet while I did it.
  3. squiggles2

    Religious people are fucking annoying

    Taking "religious people are fucking annoying" in another direction ayy? I don't know who "annoying" is, but they sound kinda hot.
  4. squiggles2

    Religious people are fucking annoying

    Ok, I had a different thought. Which thing is the one that makes me feel the following things? 1) Super awesome, impossibly awesome, king of the world. Triumph!!!~~~~ 2) What did you just do? You little shit! 3) It's ok. I will be alright. I'll make sure its fine. You'll see. 4) You better bow...
  5. squiggles2

    What are you currently listening to?

  6. squiggles2

    Religious people are fucking annoying

    This is probably correct. Edit - but I'm not sure.
  7. squiggles2

    Religious people are fucking annoying

    Which part of my behavior looks normal to you? Don't I have some dangerous ideas that maybe shouldn't get out there?
  8. squiggles2

    Religious people are fucking annoying

    So, I had a great but overall bad experience with Rainbow 6 Siege tonight. I'm doing awesome, but I'm playing people who have way more hours put into this game. We are losing every match because I the only one that will do all ops and try to point out the bad guys while everyone else just goes...
  9. squiggles2

    Trying to become ambidextrous

    Ok, last thing for now. I'm learning that my brain really really likes salt solutions. So like pickle brine and olive brine and pepperchino brine, etc. I'm drinking small bits of this (not too much because too much sodium bad!) and it is working really good to keep the brain thinking. Edit -...
  10. squiggles2

    Religious people are fucking annoying

    Yes, the main character Mom has a dad. That is who I'm talking about.
  11. squiggles2

    Religious people are fucking annoying

    I will get back to you on this. I'm about to be busy for a few hours.
  12. squiggles2

    Trying to become ambidextrous

    We are going to call this one "scrambled brains". Why? Because I tried to create a video using all of the techniques I've been doing recently and make a perfect show. What happened? I created a brand new game of 8 Ball in pool. I break with my dominate hand because it can break well and my...
  13. squiggles2

    Religious people are fucking annoying

    Pretty sure I'm doing this right now on the site if you have been reading what I've been saying, if I got the meaning of "evangelize" correct. If the question is "how do I convert someone that doesn't use the prefrontal cortex to talk to themselves/God/whatever and is more atheistic in...
  14. squiggles2

    Today in Science

  15. squiggles2

    Trying to become ambidextrous

    Ok, this one is funny. I guarantee it. So, instead of putting the tDCS/tACS device with the red wire over my left eye and the black wire over my right eye as proscribed by the instruction manually, I've put the red wire over my left temporal lobe as shown in the video for out of body...
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