Recent content by umkemesik

  1. umkemesik

    what you mean " ED forums template " you mean the styles?

    what you mean " ED forums template " you mean the styles?
  2. umkemesik

    New Themes by Tabs

    This is really dope, good work you autistic fat cat.
  3. umkemesik

    What counts as virginity loss?

    But more shitty. Do you still...take it in the pooper?
  4. umkemesik

    Your OldEDF Pics Here

    Nice, we are actually missing a lot of Zaiger shit on his article. For example, the MP3 calls that were not scrapped and the Brianna pics;
  5. umkemesik

    Your OldEDF Pics Here

    @Baka would totally hit that.
  6. umkemesik

    Your OldEDF Pics Here

    Still am. It's gotten weirder. Had a fire start in my house, cops arrested me and some family members for 50 pot plants. Luckily we have it plead down to a misdemeanor. Got a job working at the County. A Judge found out about my military convictions and made up an allegation that I called...
  7. umkemesik

    EDF6 1st Annual Yearbook Thread

    I don't know, but clicking on those pics makes me want to frap to Asian porn.
  8. umkemesik

    African American wins National Spelling Bee

    Yes, but not because Americans are dumb, it is our non-phonetic language. Weight, Sleight, Eight, Height Read Read. Lead, Lead Gnome, Knives, Ghost, Through. Then again you are Polish, so mashing a few keys on the keyboard and eventually a Polish word will pop up.
  9. umkemesik


  10. umkemesik

    Aediot’s announcement on .wiki

    Oh shit. I didn't see the dot (on mobile), and read it wiki, as in our wiki not Aediots. Yeah .wiki is dead.
  11. umkemesik

    Why are there so many negroes portrayed in American advertising?

    You would think, after watching an hour of American television, niggers represent 50% of the population instead of 13%.
  12. umkemesik

    the south is a shithole

    I fucked that up, thanks.
  13. umkemesik

    Dating Criteria

    1. has a wet fuckhole 2. that's it.
  14. umkemesik

    Dating Criteria

    Brooke Hogan?
  15. umkemesik

    Why are there so many negroes portrayed in American advertising?

    I don't watch TV much at all. In fact, my TV has went months without being turned on. Recently I was flicking the channels setting up a new TV. Every new show and advertisement has to have a nigger or interracial family it seems.
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