As an aside, back last January Jacob woke up in the hospital with his head covered in bandages and a cast on his left arm. Slowly the memory of what happened came back to him. That morning his car wouldn't start and Jacob decided to take the number 12 bus to work. The bus stop was on the corner near his home and he figured he'd be safe on the bus for the 25 minute ride to the office. He begrudgingly paid the bus fare and took a seat directly behind the bus driver. As the bus took off Jacob noticed a large man across the aisle staring at him and wearing look of disgust. Jacob tried to ignore the him when he noticed out of his peripheral vision the man had stood up and was hovering over him. The man said in a southern drawl, "You look like a jew!" Jacob timidly looked up at the man and said nothing. The man went on, "The only enjoyment I get out of life is watching YouTube videos. But what I can't stand is all those damn commercial ads that show a nigger with a White I am trying to watch something good and decent, and then I'm forced to watch some blue-gum nigger fraternizing with a White woman......and I just recently found out by reading a website that goes by the name VNN Forum, that jews are the ones responsible for putting all those niggers on Youtube". Jacob meekly said, "I don't know anything about that." The man yelled, "I think you're a liar!"
By this time, Jacob was visibly sweating profusely. He said, "please mister, I don't want any trouble." The man growled, "Are you threatening me?" Before Jacob could answer, the man proceeded to beat the living shit out of Jacob. This brutal beating went on until the next bus stop where the man got off the bus and walked away. The bus driver and everyone else on the bus pretended nothing happened. It was only at the bus terminal where the bus maintenance crew found Jacob stuffed under a seat unconscious and called for an ambulance.
Jacob's 'brilliant idea' wasn't a novel idea. Rather it was a well worn jewish strategy of breaking a promise.....commonly referred to as filing for bankruptcy. When one leads a life of pilfering and lying, it's only a matter of time before the walls close in and angry gyped people are looking to kick some ass. It pays for the rats to have an escape hatch. Since time immemorial the jew has been looking for ways to shirk their responsibility. Because jews never build anything, they've found the parasitic niche of being the middle man, a wholly jewish invention, which is really nothing more than positioning oneself to benefit off the hard work of others.
Filing for bankruptcy was something Jacob had done many times before, as a matter of fact, so many times he lost count. He could do it with his eyes closed. And just thinking about it always made him snicker to himself. A diabolical sounding snicker. Jacob's partners in crime were his lawyer and his banker and a male prostitute named Raphael who he paid to compromise people he owed, into forgetting about the debt. Jacob considered his set-up a well-oiled machine. He often imagined that he could die of a massive heart attack sitting at his desk and his operation would continue to run smooth for decades without him. More diabolical snickering.
Nevertheless, all this conniving brought about his usual friend.....that nasty little migraine.
Jacob found himself in the local Walgreens stealing some aspirin and a jar of vaseline.
28 year old Mercedes Rivera was a newly arrived Puerto Rican, who by chance walked into Jacob's office with her two kids. In broken English she said she was looking for a job. Jacob was immediately interested in both her cherubic-faced children and her heavy low slung bosoms. The fact Mercedes was missing most of her teeth didn't bother Jacob as he'd heard rumors that gum jobs were fantastic.
Jacob went directly into grooming the kids with toys he always kept in his office just for this purpose. While the children were playing on the floor of the reception room, he directed Mercedes into his office and closed the door behind them. Jacob pulled a $10 bill out of his pocket and then with a toothy grin he pulled down his zipper and moved toward Mercedes. She understood the assignment.
When he was done he threw a small towel to her so she could wipe off her face. As she wiped off Jacob's wad he snuck up behind her and hit her in the head with a golf putter he always kept in his office, killing her instantly. She dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes, Jacob then went into her purse and took the $10 dollars back.
Then he had the children for dessert. (Note: deleted text: too graphic for this forum)
Completely sated and covered in blood Jacob stuffed all three into the trunk of his car and then dumped them in a junk-strewn field by JFK Airport.
"Just another day at the office", he mused, driving up the Van Wyck Expressway on his way back toward Syosset.
Jacob hated her guts. He'd been married to Ruth for 32 years and regretted every year of their toxic marriage. Of course jews don't marry for love. Love is a foreign thing to them. They marry soley for financial advantage. They consider any children coming out of their unholy alliance to be a nuisance, and this is why certain aspects of their religion delve deeply into why they must not kill their own children, but children of others are on the table.
To say Ruth was a nag would be charitable. More accurately we might say she was a shrew-ish, conniving, selfish, annoying cunt. Unable to cook, clean or do anything useful around the house. A total slug of a human being whose women's bits stunk like sour urine mixed with fecal matter. Since this topic was touched on, we'll mention jews don't wipe themselves after defecating. Only on holy high days such as Passover and Hanukkah are they permitted to scrape the hardened feces from their anal cleft. The menorah is the device they use for this purpose, while pretending to the profane the menorah is a candle opera commemorating God. Nothing could be further from the truth.
By the same token, Ruth hated Jacob and her favorite thing to do was to humiliate him in the bedroom. After sex, she would spit in his face and scream, "You are an inadequate little worm!" Then she would pull out from under the bed her massive foot long black monster
dildo, shove it deep in her butt and for the next hour and a half viciously ream herself silly.
Jacob would leave her to her devices and slink out of the house and look for a victim.
It was late October of 2021 when Jacob's psychosis went into overdrive. He had delusions of killing every living thing on Earth. He needed to hear the screams of the weakest. But he also knew big dreams start with little actions. That's why he decided to burn down the Headstart Childcare Facility in Syosset, with all the children in it.
It took Jacob less than 5 minutes to inject quick-setting epoxy into the exit door locks and another 10 minutes to place around the perimeter 6 canisters of highly flammable chlorine trifluoride gas. The blaze could be seen 20 miles away in Manhattan.
205 mostly minority children died in the conflagration along with 12 staff members.
Jacob watched the inferno from his car several blocks away while he masturbated with an animalistic ferocity while sobbing uncontrollably that was interspersed with maniacal laughter.
The police chief, Tooky Runt Jr., made a statement on Eyewitness Channel-7 evening news, "His department would leave no stone unturned in order to bring these dangerous criminals to justice".
Thus far, no arrests have been made.
This particular headache felt like his head was in a vise being incrementally screwed down and crushed. He could actually feel his temples throb and violently pulsate as his nose began to trickle blood out of the left nostril and the nausea had him dry heaving every 5 minutes. Lying in a fetal position in the bed he was like a rat caught in the corner with no way to escape the pain. Incoherent thoughts raced through his mind. He got up and staggered into the bathroom, opened the medicine cabinet and desperately looked for anything to dull the pain. All he found was some ExLax constipation pills, an enema bag with an uncleaned tip and tiny amount of Pepto-Bismol backwash in the bottom of the bottle. No help to be found there.
He asked Ruth to take him to the emergency room. She flatly told him, "Go fuck yourself!" And she went back to doing her Search-A-Word puzzle.
Jacob staggered to his car and somehow was able to drive himself to the hospital. The ER was jam-packed with hundreds of little brown beaners, coughing and looking pitiful. The overwhelmed staff told Jacob he would have to wait and was given a vomit bag. Finally after a 3-1/2 hour wait a disheveled Hindi doctor wearing a bloodstained white coat came up to Jacob and mumbled something incomprehensible in garbled English. Jacob pointed to the side of his head and suddenly projectile vomited. The doctor did an impressive kungfu dodge move and the vomit went over his head and hit the wall behind him.
Next thing Jacob knew, the doctor was injecting him the ass with a large needled syringe. The needle went in so far it felt as though it hit his pelvic bone. Jacob let out a girlish yelp.
Then miraculously the headache quickly dissipated and Jacob felt as if he was floating on a cloud.
For a brief moment he was happy.
…in that moment, as Jacob saw and smelled how irresistible its effect was and how with lightning speed it spread and made captives of the people all around him—in that moment his whole disgust for humankind rose up again within him and completely soured his triumph, so that he felt not only no joy, but not even the least bit of satisfaction. What he had always longed for—that other people should love him—became at the moment of his achievement unbearable, because he did not love them himself, he hated them. And suddenly he knew that he had never found gratification in love, but always only in hatred—in hating and in being hated.
Jacob read the following on Wikipedia..
Samuel Little, was convicted of killing three women, but later investigations linked 31 other murders to him. He claimed he killed as many as 93 victims total, three above his initial confession of 90; the FBI later confirmed a total of 60 murders linked to Little. The investigations into his crimes are ongoing. Sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole on September 25, 2014. Died in prison on December 30, 2020, aged 80.
Jacob was sort of shocked to learn Samuel Little was a nigger. Little's hunting ground was in many different states, but there was virtually no significant mainstream media coverage of this serial killer when we consider the historic magnitude of the record breaking number of murders. Jacob did note the media's persistent lie that only White males are capable of being big-time serial killers, but he didn't really care about that. His concern was that a nigger held the American record for serial murders.....and not him.
It was 2 years ago this December 14th when Jacob was sitting on the living room sofa in his underwear vigorously scratching his nuts with one hand and picking his nose with the other, when the front door was kicked in and two savage niggers committed a violent home invasion. Pointing a gun at Jacob's head, the fat nigger with the fake gold grill yelled, "gimme a reason, mutha fucker!" Ruth, hearing the commotion, came out of the kitchen and was quickly accosted by the skinny nigger with the tiny forehead and giant bubble lips. He grabbed her from behind in a hammer lock and held a carpet knife to her throat. He said in a seductive voice, "looky what we have here!" as he rubbed his crotch against her ass.
The fat nigger barked at Jacob, "where the mutha fuckin money?" Jacob hesitated and was quickly pistol whipped, knocking him out. The fat nigger, who resembled a gorilla, even hobbled along like an ape, began to ransack the house. He found no money, but he did find Ruth's jewelry in the bedroom and stuffed it into his pockets, unbeknownst to him it was all fake gold and worthless zirconians. While King Kong was rummaging through the house, the skinny nigger had already popped a woody and was dry humping Ruth's butt like a horny Rottweiler. He whispered in Ruth's ear, " You like this, bitch?". Ruth said, "please don't hurt me, I'll do whatever you say". In one quick move the nigger ripped off Ruth's house dress and panties and while standing up he jammed his turgid dick up her ass. In less than a dozen strokes it was over and he let Ruth drop to the floor in a heap. Ruth seemed annoyed that's all she got. The fat nigger said, "let's go!" And they both ran out the door.
Jacob needed several stitches in his head and Ruth developed a lifelong fetish for fantasizing about being buttfucked by niggers.
Jacob read this somewhere on the internet, and it resonated....
In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, “Is it good, friend?”
“It is bitter—bitter,” he answered;
“But I like it, because it is bitter,
And because it is my heart."
Another group Jacob hated are the native Americans. Jacob puts them only one small increment above the nigger and only one even smaller increment below the beaner. He was well aware of the immediate psychosis alcohol inflicts upon their neolithic brains, and for that reason years ago it was illegal to sell liquor to a redskin. Only one can of beer and Chiefie Whiefie goes on the warpath. This makes them a totally unacceptable risk for loans because of the earned moniker, 'Heap-em Big Tight Ass', which in Navajo translates to 'Indian Giver'.
About 5 years ago, an older indian man came into the office looking for a loan. Jacob eyed him up and down. He looked like a grandfather version of that redskin warrior on the old TV commercial* who was crying about his Happy Hunting Grounds being turned into a shithole due to pollution and trash. Jacob thought to himself, "boo hoo, he's not getting any sympathy from me!"
Jacob asked him what sort of collateral did he have to secure the loan? The Indian opened a rather large leather pouch that was affixed to his belt. He reached in the pouch and pulled out a fistful of human scalps with a various assortment of decorative beads and feathers attached to each scalp. He held this nasty clump of horror in Jacob's face. Jacob gasped and loudly said, "what do you expect me to do with that?" "I think you'd better leave right now before I call the cops!" The old injun didn't like Jacob's response at all and his facial expression turned demonic and he began loudly yelling an Indian war cry as he pulled a stone hatchet out from under his fringed leather vest.
The Indian took a swing at Jacob and the sharp obsidian blade clipped off a quarter inch of the end ofJacob's hooked beak. Blood squirted out all over the place in a small but forceful stream. The Indian began to chase Jacob around and around his desk until he tripped and fell. This gave Jacob a chance to quickly scoot out the front door with the injun in hot pursuit right behind him wildly swinging his hatchet.
By mere coincidence a police patrol car came cruising down the street and the two cops inside the car saw this incredible spectacle, jumped out of the car and proceeded to unload their gun clips into the injun turning him into Swiss cheese.
Jacob had a ridiculous looking bandage on his nose for nearly three months. But he took pride in telling anyone who would listen the story about his own little holocaust at the hands of a Nazi Indian.
Many shadows hide behind light, and the best lies are those seasoned liberally with truth: salt covering the flavor of rotten meat
When Jacob was 14 he tried out for his high school JV football team. Not one for sports for obvious reason.....being a physically stunted freak with a hunchback, plus everyone knows jews naturally are shitty at sports. However, Jacob was seen kicking a stray tomcat cat with his orthopedic shoe. The cat flew in the air for over 50 yards and was killed instantly when it slammed into the side of a house. One of the kids who witnessed this blurted out, "Hey, Jacob, you ought to try out as a kicker for the football team!" For the first time in his life Jacob was asked to join something. He was so used to being ostracised, mocked and ridiculed.....he was shocked to hear this. At that moment he decided to try out for the team.
As tryout day drew near, little Jacob practiced kicking. He kicked everything, from garbage cans to lawn furniture. He found everything he kicked would be smashed to smithereens. He couldn't wait to sink that shoe into a real football and prove to the world he was the best kicker ever.
Standing before the football coach, in line with the rest of the hopefuls, the coach pointed at Jacob and yelled, "What the hell are you doing here?" Jacob meekly answered in barely above a whisper, "To tryout for the team". The coach obviously annoyed yelled, "What did you say? Speak up, we haven't got all day!" Jacob awkwardly yelled, "I want to be a kicker!"
The coach paused and addressed everyone there, "Alright, who put this freak up to this?"
Some wiseguy in the crowd yelled back, "Your momma!" Everyone laughed hysterically. The coach looked at Jacob and harshly yelled "YOU, Quasimoto! Get the fuck off my football field!" The crowd went into an even louder uproar of laughter.
With his head down, Jacob slinked off the field. As he walked away he heard someone say, "bet that jew has million dollars stuffed in that hunch!" Someone else yelled, "Yeah, bet he's got another million stuffed in that freaky shoe!" The roar of the laughter was deafening.
No happy ending here! What the fuck do you think this is? A Hallmark movie?
Jacob pulled his car into the strip mall on Jericho Turnpike and parked in front of the PETCO pet store. He had no clue what he was doing there. A little confused, he got out of his car and went into PETCO. A very short pudgy girl with blue hair and a face loaded with metal studs said in a sing-songy voice, "Welcome to PETCO! Let me know if I can help you." She then went back to stocking cat food on a shelf. Jacob ignored her and wandered around the store. He stopped in front of a large cage that had a cute labradoodle puppy. The puppy leaped on the front of the inside of the cage happy to see someone paying attention. The pup yipped and vigorously wagged it's short little tail.
Jacob opened the cage and grabbed the puppy by the throat and choked it to death. He then quickly left the store.
Next day....
Sitting in his office, he opened the top desk drawer and pulled out his 38 snub nose revolver. He checked to see how many live shells were in the gun. Jacob counted three bullets. He spun the cylinder Russian roulette style and put the short barrel in his mouth and pulled the trigger. "Click". No round in that chamber. He calmly put the gun back in the top drawer.
Jacob then left the office and went to the Macdonalds drive-thru off Northern Boulevard. He ordered a filet-o-fish, small fries and a Dr. Pepper. He secretly called this his 'safari meal' as it often preceded the hunt.
As dusk settled upon Long Island Jacob purposely had on only his parking lights as he aimlessly drove around the North Shore. Then on the other side of the highway, Jacob spied an old black man riding a bike. He almost missed seeing him because he had no light on the bike, only a tiny red reflector on the back fender. Like a grey shadow shakily navigating the narrow bike lane, Jacob thought, "looks like he's begging for it".
A quick u-turn and Jacob was behind the bike rider, he then popped a fry in his mouth and floored the accelerator pedal.
Jacob hated mirrors as do most all jews. A mirror forces a jew to see it's own repugnant image. The more devout jew sees the mirror as God's torment of them. As if God is grabbing them by the scruff of the neck and rubbing their nose in a pile of shit. A few of the more psychotically twisted have actually adopted a masochistic attitude and have become caricatures of their own innate filth. These are the so-called jewish artists. Whether it be architecture, music, art or any other facet of culture, we see their distorted and warped image reflected. Like funhouse mirrors, distortion is the rule of the day for your garden variety of jew, however the jew's garden isn't a thing of beauty.....normal humans call it hell.
Often we see jews wearing clownish bizarre eyeware, fucked-up hairdos, oddly designed clothing or anything else different as a way to deflect focus from their ugliness. To see themselves as they really are is painful for them. Like a vampire seeing a cross. If a jew has a mirror in its house, it is never a perfect mirror, rather it will have some sort of obscuring design woven into the glass that doesn't give a clear reflection.
The talmudic codes go into lengthy explanations of how jews must avoid mirrors at all costs. For example... GivelHosa-34.7 tells a jew it must rip its right eye out, if they see their missing soul in a mirror. They are warned, anything shiny might reflect reality, reality that must be avoided at all costs.
Another word for denial of reality is 'the lie'. Examples of jew's denial of reality 'Transgenderism' - lies about gender. 'Diversity is our strength' - denies the nigger's savagery. All 'Hollywood acting' is a form of lying, pretending to be someone else. The 'jews who change their name' - more duplicitous lying. It all stems back to the fact jews are non-stop filthy liars. And they'll even lie about being liars, that's why they can't bear to see themselves in a mirror.
Ruth's father, Dr. Thalberg, ran an abortion clinic on the south side of Syosset on Rt 25A. Thalberg had a cozy relationship with Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx. He got an even 100 grand for every gram of pancreatic fetal stem cells he delivered, ostensibly earmarked for animal research. But in reality the dyliticmorphic stem cells were ultimately sold to billionaires for age extension therapy. Claims of 25+ years of extended life were to be had with a guarantee of high quality health for each individually designed prescription recipient.
Jacob's participation in this illegal scam was to drive the product from Queens to the Bronx once a month for the paltry sum of $200.00 for each trip. Jacob didn't really mind working for nigger wages here because it gave him a chance to drive around target-rich South Bronx. And he really loved those afro-Rican little boys, whose tight sphincters nicely accommodated his micro

and there was something about how their supple tan skin split wide open when punctured with a razor knife, that gave him a thrill up his leg and made his nut sack vibrate.
It all seemed to be worth it for Jacob until he overheard one of the doctors saying the stem cells could grow a new leg with a perfectly formed foot on the end. And that it was being used successfully on amputees in the Philippines.
This got Jacob's wheels turning.
Monsters cannot be announced. One cannot say: 'Here are our monsters,' without immediately turning the monsters into pets.
Confusion. Anxiety. Nagging doubt. When emotional pain trespasses one's threshold to endure. And that grinding unrelenting paranoia, always hanging there like the Sword of Damocles. Those hatefilled critical eyes peering out from under the polished leather brim, everywhere. Hugo Boss styled military suits with those black gloved hands turning valves and no escape possible. Swirling convoluted streams of fragmented ideas crowded Jacob's mind as he finally reached home and turned the doorknob.
Opening the door he entered the living room to see his daughter, Sarah, giving Clarence, the family dog, a blowjob on the sofa. Only giving a nonchalant glance at Jacob without breaking stride of her sucking as she worked the dog's tool, Sarah oozed contempt. Jacob ignored this and quickly hobbled past them and went upstairs to bed. He found Ruth unconscious, naked and with her dildo stuck in her butt laying on the floor next to an empty bottom of Wild Turkey. He crawled into bed gritting his teeth and begging for the blackness to engulf him.
Dorothy was 88 years old. Her beloved husband, Max, died way back in 1989 of a massive heart attack, leaving Dorothy alone and grieving. Thankfully the life insurance paid-off the house and between Max's pension survivor benefit and Dorothy's social security, she was able to live a dignified life that consisted mostly of watching TV and walking in the park to feed the pigeons. Her life was routine. One could set their watch by her routine. And this routine didn't go unnoticed.
Sitting in his car just outside the park entrance he watched. He wondered to himself if such an old and decrepit

could give any pleasure? Jacob fondled himself fantasizing about the possibilities. He figured she hadn't been fucked in a long time and he would do something nice for her before she kicked the bucket.
When Jacob went into predator mode he got tunnel vision and allowed himself to be carried forward on impulse, much like any living organism that must take a life to survive. He was surprised that her body felt like a plastic bag full of loose bones as he grabbed her from behind and violently threw her on the ground. He ripped her dress aside and mounted her. Her wide-eye terror was something he'd seen many times before as his tiny pecker searched in vain for either port of entry. However, Dorothy was so old and loose there was absolutely not a speck of that pleasurable liquid friction he craved to be had.
Jacob had a very low tolerance for frustration and when headed in that direction only grabbing a neck and choking it gave him a release and subsequent relief. Again he was surprised at how skinny her neck was and how easy the neck bones broke. He imagined that's what being superman must feel like. To snap bones as if they were tiny dry twigs.
When one's god decrees one is a 'chosen', all other are but mere animals and there is no crime in killing an animal.
Ruth took Sarah with her in the car to visit Ruth's mother in Washington Heights for the weekend. Jacob feigned being constipated so he could stay home. Jacob had a plan. Something a little different from his normal abnormality. He would cross dress for the first time!
Digging into Ruth's closet he found her old granny style green dress with the tiny yellow flowers. He went with this because he couldn't wear anything shorter that exposed his shoes because of that damn clubbed foot wouldn't permit him to wear any fabulous footwear.
After much difficulty he managed to slip into a pair of fishnet pantyhose and one of Ruth's old nursing bras that he over stuffed with dirty socks from the hamper. He found Ruth's old afro-style disco wig on the floor in the back of her closet, stretched it over his head, made some adjustments and then he went for the clip-on large hoop earrings. Not being a beautician by any stretch of the imagination, Jacob simply applied a copious slathering of bright red lip gloss. He stood back, looked at himself in the mirror and immediately popped an erection. His first instinct was to violently choke his chicken, but with much restraint he figured he would hold off until after his little parade around the block.
On his way out the front door Jacob grabbed Sarah's little pink parasol umbrella as icing on the cake. As he sauntered and minced his way down the sidewalk he could feel the nylon of the pantyhose rubbing on his

giving it a warm glow. A Chevy Silverado truck full of Mexicans drove by, they wolf-whistled and yelled something probably filthy in Spanish...this made Jacob's ballsack tighten and he almost ejaculated right there from excitement.
As he hobbled down the sidewalk he wiggled his ass for all it was worth. Then suddenly just before he reached the first corner a nigger jumped out of the bushes and attacked him with a quick sucker punch. This was a brutal beating that put Jacob in the ICU for a week and what few teeth he had left were knocked out.
As a child, Jacob's Hebrew school, Yeshiva Grossberg TelAviv Com, was well know for its cabbalist esoterics as well as it's political involvement in worldwide social activism. There Jacob was inculcated with proof of his tribe's dominion over the earth as well as the need to supplant other culture's sexual orientation with that of the tribe's.
There in that school was where Jacob got and gave his first blowjob and explored the joys of anal infatuation. He was amazed to see the rabbis with constant erections and how these erections resembled the genitalia of various zoo animals. One particular rabbi was born with his own

that neatly bent around and was stuck in his own anus. Jacob oft wondered if that was why the rabbi always seemed to have both a grimace and maniacal expression on his face?
In third class Jacob was caught stealing money from the administration office safe and was given special recognition of that incident at his bar mitzvah.
At home, Jacob developed a phobia of female pubic hair due to his mother forcing him to lick her. She would withhold his food unless he licked her to orgasm. To say this emotionally scarred him would be inaccurate. Rather this was an atypical morphilitic aggravation of his atrophied frontal lobes, his birth defect, that formed his entire worldview and fondness for the brown starfish. This particular phobia was way down the long list of other neuroses that clogged his brain and governed his behavior.
Jacob graduated last in his class and that brought great shame to his family who had hopes of him becoming a lawyer, or a doctor or a politician. His father often slapped him in the face for no reason, only to say, "Jafloc oy!" Jacob had no idea what that meant. All he knew was he wanted to kill him and he devoted many hours thinking of ways to do it.
When his father was found dead at the foot of the stairs, Jacob was heard snickering in his room.