Im gen z (1997-2012) and proud
@Chimplord1997 @lulziez @Quence @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd @ultra_pedroj234 @weedville
@Chimplord1997 @lulziez @Quence @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd @ultra_pedroj234 @weedville
You too?Im gen z (1997-2012)
Yes, i was born in 2006, making me younger gen z.You too?
if you ever @ me again on this forum I am going to drive to cleveland and desecrate your corpseIm gen z (1997-2012) and proud
@Chimplord1997 @lulziez @Quence @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd @ultra_pedroj234 @weedville
No you wont, faggotif you ever @ me again on this forum I am going to drive to cleveland and desecrate your corpse
disrespecting a janitor is against the rules. don't do it againNo you wont, faggot
Im not fat, disgusting, homosexual, or a pig.disrespecting a janitor is against the rules. don't do it again
you fat disgusting homosexual pig.
Because i can@hypeshot why do you have to constantly 24/7 ping random people like an asshole
The jew is an expert at creating mock opposition.Im gen z (1997-2012) and proud
@Chimplord1997 @lulziez @Quence @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd @ultra_pedroj234 @weedville
Not that any halfway normal person would ever make such a joke, but…Im gen z (1997-2012) and proud
@Chimplord1997 @lulziez @Quence @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd @ultra_pedroj234 @weedville
Some have argued the Supreme Court was just interpreting the law, but regardless, the end result is the same.In a quixotic ruling, the country’s high court ruled that a man who was on trial for raping and sexually exploiting his own daughters wasn’t guilty of “bestiality.” The man reportedly, “smeared peanut butter on the genitals of his victims and had the family dog lick it off while he videotaped the act.”
The convicted man took his case to the Canadian Supreme Court, demanding that the bestiality charge be nullified. In the end, the court agreed.
As a result of the rape case, the court ruled 7 to 1 that humans having sexual contact with animals is OK if there is no “penetration” involved in the act.
“Although bestiality was often subsumed in terms such as sodomy or buggery, penetration was the essence — ‘the defining act’ — of the offense,” the court’s ruling states as reported by The Independent.
A “lifestyle choice”? Gee. Sounds so politically correct… and absolutely horrifying.A recent article from the Daily Mail lamented the troubling new trend of “animal brothels” rising in Germany as many humans are claiming sex with animals is just another “lifestyle choice.”
The jew has never changed over the millennia. For untold centuries they've injected their sexual filth into one nation after another. This jewish behavior is as natural to the jew as it is for a fish to swim. This is what it does. This is how it derives its sustenance. As the host nation becomes weaker, it's easier for the jew to suck it dry. But just before the final death throe of a hollowed-out nation, the jew deftly jumps to another nation, fat with resources, to reengage in it's parasitic feeding.Im gen z (1997-2012) and proud
@Chimplord1997 @lulziez @Quence @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd @ultra_pedroj234 @weedville