So rape?
Give it time you'll grow out of this phase.
K-Pop is the most corporate music ever conceived, made to be as catchy, likeable and with a tinge of percieved rebellion that doesn't overstep its ultimate goal; to make money, fans and torture the band members.
Every interaction on live, every quirky moment from the band member which becomes immortalized in subsequent fan edits, every "cute" screw-up on live shows, made with the goal of acquiring a group of fans and seeming perfect to them. So perfect, look at my bias (NAME), yes this is very organic, this random clip from an unknown korean show of them, yes. Not scripted by the companies to be appealing to teenagers.
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Yes yes yes.
The people who unironically listen to kpop, they listen to it bc 1. they cant help it, its the result of corporate studies into making the catchiest safe mysic possible, 2. stalking their fav member, 3. retardation.
Do you ever hear anything about normal pop artists being forced to undergo extreme diets? No. It's because everyone in kpop belongs to and is loyal to, a total corpo-phile to their parent corporation.
Not authentic.
NEVER authentic, it's about money. Money for the corporations. The music sounds good not because it's from the soul, but because kt is harmless and safe.......
If it was authentic you would have what's-his-name from what's-that-band crashing out publicly about his torturous work conditions.
I want you to take a second to think about your life.
Fucking.... Aaaa, all the kpop should commit suicide on stage or something.
I can't even tell them apart.