Japanese Youtubers

Dear christ, that brings back some memories as well...
I mean, I know you are an asshole, hype, but ill fill in an exception here, I think i mentioned these youtubers before but fuck it...

I'd like to give a mention to (if i can remember them from my head):
-Chiitan (an otter "fairybaby" that appeared on John Oliver once)
-Siro (anime girl vtuber who collaborated with Chiitan)
-Mr. Yabatan (a norwegian dude that speaks japanese and ALSO collabed with Chiitan)
-that one lady that did a good impression of doraemon from the '79 anime
-that one bloke that made those pokemon furry costumes and recorded that one video where that character named "Ms. Wasabi" gets swallowed by a plush whale (i even maturbated to those videos... DO NOT CALL ME A VORAPHILE!)
-Calabi (a guy that recorded himself humping to inflatables)
-GudaGuda (that one guy that made those Doraemon 3dmm movies, I remember that one movie he made where Doraemon decided to fight against Mickey Mouse lol)
-the other bloke that also made those Doraemon movies made in 3dmm, but if i remember, they were sorta remakes of certain episodes, and the scenery was pretty good (i also remember seeing two other videos made in the same style, they were only up on NicoNico if i recall before being removed)
and fuckity fuck fuck, i ran out of people to mention
my current favorite YouTuber, he also streams where he vlogs
It shouldn't that difficult to admit Jones is a sellout. The Sandyhook lawsuit hammer was to serve as a warning not only to Jones but for the lemmings as well not to question the jew's narrative about that supposed event.

Who has the balls to publicly challenge the Sandyhook incident? Crickets!

Of course the jew has paid goyem henchmen, but there are no paid jews working for goyem. If by some slim chance a jew is employed by a wealthy goyem, the jew is there only as an infiltrator and subverter.

The jew has had a tough time maintaining control of a nation for more then 75 years. (that seems to be the historic magic number) When they do eventually lose control it generally causes lots of jews, percentage wise, to die.

IMO, this next purge will be a big one.
my current favorite YouTuber, he also streams where he vlogs
But literally, I read somewhere people dropped their kids off at kindergarten and where all crying, except the children. I think that when this (under 13) generation grows up through the Trump presidency and see that the adults in their lives were just big babies, they're going to react to their Jew-leaning politics negatively.
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