Yes, the God-King has returned!
Time to derail this gay thread with superior content
Yes. That would be VNN posts.Time to derail this gay thread with superior content
Still waiting for any call to action by Carlson.
Just like Rush Limbaugh of 20-30 years ago.....who pointed out in exquisite and precise detail what the antiAmerican rats were up to. Reams of semi-top secret facts from 'people-in-know', who're connected at high levels at government agencies. And he possessed a well paid army of technical producers and support staff equal to any international news outlet. Data at his finger tips by the boatload.
How in the world could some fat, pill-addled blowhard rise to the level of trust to earn the inside scoop from government's key players in the Intelligence and justice communities?
One thing Rush Limbaugh never did was to tell his diddo-heads to hit the streets and brutally protest against the filthy rats. We're talking about the kind of fiery and violent protests the jews can instantly create with the snap of their fingers. And the jew is able to create these violent mobs without any broadcast message specifically stating any mention of violence. As if the mob instinctively knows to it's being ordered chimpout and burn things. Of course the desired result is achieved (terrify Whitey into submission).
I see Tucker doing the same thing. Irreverently tweaking the beast and highlighting exactly how we're being buttfucked........all said with nary a mention of the jew elephant in the room.
Point is.....I see little difference between Rush and Tucker.
We caution believing Carlson was sincere when he points in the direction of the jew.Time to derail this gay thread with superior content
I'm sure you're aware the DailyMail is a jew rag.Time to derail this gay thread with superior content
We must also always remember that Tucker Carlson is a leftist, a Marxist.Time to derail this gay thread with superior content