merry christmas faggots

I think you posted the same thread the other day (I think like at the beginning of december)
no, it was simply a december thread, not neccesarily only a holidays thread.
and merry christmas... I hope you got coal, you faggot... or maybe even a brimstone, a vantablack, dust, or maybe even ANTIMATTER!!!
(sorry for the seprate comment, the edit function had expired)
i didnt, fggt, u mad bro :trollface::cool: i got a bunch of awesome shit you gay retard
i got a bunch of awesome shit you gay retard
Oh yeah I beileve the "awesome" stuff you got in question are gonna be like fucking power ranger toys and boy band albums, arent they?
and also... its also gonna be japanese candy (like you asked for) rather than your usual american candy because on how you hate america so much (just hit the towers for godsake)

look at James Corden, for example

He likes america, hell he even moved there for a few years to do his own late night show on CBS, the late late show with james corden, I think you hate america because you wanna become one of the japanese soliders that bombed the pearl harbor on december 7, 1941 :troll2:
More like this,

Thread in a nutshell

Oh yeah I beileve the "awesome" stuff you got in question are gonna be like fucking power ranger toys and boy band albums, arent they?
and also... its also gonna be japanese candy (like you asked for) rather than your usual american candy because on how you hate america so much (just hit the towers for godsake)

look at James Corden, for example
View attachment 26836
He likes america, hell he even moved there for a few years to do his own late night show on CBS, the late late show with james corden, I think you hate america because you wanna become one of the japanese soliders that bombed the pearl harbor on december 7, 1941 :troll2:
I honestly hate america. I litterally denounce america in favor of japan. And i dont wanna do a damn suicide attack.
Not that any halfway normal person would ever make such a joke, but…

This is… this is just… just… what in the hell is happening?

Has the whole world lost its mind?

Via Breitbart:

In a quixotic ruling, the country’s high court ruled that a man who was on trial for raping and sexually exploiting his own daughters wasn’t guilty of “bestiality.” The man reportedly, “smeared peanut butter on the genitals of his victims and had the family dog lick it off while he videotaped the act.”
The convicted man took his case to the Canadian Supreme Court, demanding that the bestiality charge be nullified. In the end, the court agreed.
As a result of the rape case, the court ruled 7 to 1 that humans having sexual contact with animals is OK if there is no “penetration” involved in the act.
“Although bestiality was often subsumed in terms such as sodomy or buggery, penetration was the essence — ‘the defining act’ — of the offense,” the court’s ruling states as reported by The Independent.
Some have argued the Supreme Court was just interpreting the law, but regardless, the end result is the same.

So in Canada, it’s legal to receive oral sex from dogs… and a British lady actually married her dog not too long ago.

But it gets so much worse…

A recent article from the Daily Mail lamented the troubling new trend of “animal brothels” rising in Germany as many humans are claiming sex with animals is just another “lifestyle choice.”
A “lifestyle choice”? Gee. Sounds so politically correct… and absolutely horrifying.

Just how utterly disgusting do things have to get around here?

Seriously. What in the hell is wrong with people?!

Again, has the whole world gone mad?
U.S. House of Representatives passes bill to ban TikTok or force it to be sold to a jew company.

This tells us for certain the jew is afraid of the truth that gets out to the masses on TikTok. I personally don't give a fuck the chinks currently own TikTok. The chinks apparently don't care their app allows shit to be slung at the jew. And I'm all for that. Of course they only care about their own chink asses, so there's no pretense here I'm pro-China.

White people thirst for truth. There is so little to be found in this jew-constructed global communication web of lies. If the chinks create an app that lets White people see the truth, even if it's just a glimpse, it's far better than the jew's suffocating nonstop lies.
Sadly, I'm seeing this up close and personal.

Six months ago a family moved in nearby and they have a 14 yo daughter who's been diagnosed with ADHD. They have her involved in Special Olympics and she's in special-ed classes in school. The motherfucking receives a disability check in the amount of $632.00/month on behalf of the girl.

There is nothing wrong with the girl! Other than the fact that the live-in unemployed, alcoholic and abusive boyfriend of her motherfucking hates the girl's guts and takes every opportunity to express his hatred for her. And her motherfucking is the all-too typical bimbo who allows herself and her children to be abused by a sociopath with an explosive anger problem.

The girl is given a pill in the morning that clouds her thinking throughout the day and another at 8:00 at night that utterly knocks her out in 5 minutes.

I know of all of these things because the girl has confided in my wife and my wife has investigated the the girl's family situation. Many times over the past couple of months the girl has showed-up at our house looking for sanctuary and food and on several occasions she's asked my wife if she could come to live with us. I've never seen a person so beaten down and with such low self-esteem. The girl is quite beautiful and she's as sweet as can be, but she thinks herself ugly and outcast. Part of this may be due to the fact that when she brings a girlfriend from school to her home, her motherfucking's boyfriend terrorizes them with his drunken rages and they never return.

We know that calling the state would be like throwing her out of the frying pan and into the fire. All we can do is try to comfort her and give her our love and guidance when she comes over.

We've also told her that our home is her home when she turns 18.
So, the jews just received a 9 million dollar grant from the stupid Goyim tax payers, courtesy of a pair of conniving jewish councilmen, to build more brand new political indoctrination centers that will enable the tribe to process 50,000 Goyim school children and introduce them to the world of guilt and shame that they have created to control and manipulate the stupid Goyim.
No doubt they will make a ton of money at the same time.
Why doesn't anyone ever question why people who represent a mere 2% of the population get so much special treatment?
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