What are you fucks listening to?

He stood outside his house hiding in the bushes watching his teenage step daughter shower while he jerked off.
Later on he crept into her bedroom while she was asleep and tried to rape her with a dildo.
His wife (the motherfucking of his sexually abused step daughter) said he would have orgies in their house and he got thrill out of giving blow jobs to several men at the same time.
Morris Dee's, the proud morally up right co-founder of the SPLC.
A sinister organization dedicated to smearing and ruining the lives of anyone who dares to stand up to the tribe, not to mention fleecing people who are stupid enough to donate money to them.
The FBI dropped them a few years ago as a resource because they are such lying thieving scumbags.
Hmm... Abortions are done by essentially sticking a modified vacuum cleaner up a woman's hoohoo and sucking the baby out. Which basically produces a mess of body parts. So, I'm doubting the veracity of those photos. Of course, it could very well be that they do abortions differently in China as they don't have the medical regulations that we have in the US and that those futus' look older than 3 months. They look about 5 or 6 months maybe 7? Maybe those are partial birth abortions? Where labor is induced and the baby swiftly killed once it's born.
if Trump sends a bunch of zio-niggers off to die in a war with Iran that wouldn't be so bad but all the technology and the power of money is so strong and the problem is those Arabs are NOT religious anymore, they will do anything for the money so they can get drugs, or rape , etc. they can just pay off enough Arabs to kill the religious, idealistic Muslims who they are afraid of. they won't probably have to send any Americans off. They might be planning an American Spring though and use Trump's rhetoric to get it going in high gear.
The kikes are promoting legal weed to further anesthatize people. All psychoactives used to excess are deadly to body, mind, and soul. They should know with their pharmaceutical companies pushing all manner of deadly chemistries on people looking for legit medicine, or should I say (((medicine))). The Talmud strictly forbids jews to heal the goy. As a child I had a jew pediatrician and was always ill. True story. When he moved away, retired, or died, I wasn't sick anymore
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