Should i use mouthwash as poppers?

Just curious.
Soy is put into nearly every processed food we eat.

We are being chemically castrated. What else explains the passive nature of men today?

Just because jew-appointed experts don't no reason to call this a conspiracy theory.

Go to Google, type in - 'does soy feminize men'

Then look how the jew hysterically tries to deny it with 100s of Google entries.

The jew doth protest too loud.
Just curious.
Basically, this KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! offered a child porn "star" thousands of dollars for sexual favors, but it was all in the name of journalism, so it was excused.

He also used his authority at Newsweek to sue his motherfucking to get more than his share of an inheritance. You can check out @bakedalaska's twitter feed for the evidence.
Just curious.
Still a lot of back channel internet talk about Michelle being a tranny.

Easy to imagine Barry cornhoing that freak. Mostly because I fully realize that would be a major reason why the jew appointed him to the presidency. The jew only appoints sexual deviates to high office.
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