2010s thread

Post stuff about or from the 2010s.
'Woke' is merely the latest term for 'politically correct' which is jew speak as we all know.

Back in 1973 I remember thinking to myself, if they can make a women kill her baby, they can make people do anything. At that time I didn't realize abortion was being foisted upon us by the jew, however I did feel some shady part of our government was responsible.
Becoming jew-wise in the early 90s enabled all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place.

Now, absolutely nothing surprises me. Today the jew has our young people hacking off their genitals, dying in the streets from fentanyl over-dosing and what few sexually functional are left, are miscegenating.

The jew effortlessly creates false flags that snare any White person who manages to awaken and crush anyone who gains a following of more than five racially aware people.

IMO unless something extraordinary happens, America is toast, destined for third world horrors.

The only bright spot I see that has a chance to take down the jew is Putin and the White people of Russia. Based upon Putin's actions (not on his rhetoric) he is jew-wise and is responsible for eliminating many jews in the media as well as many who've infiltrated the Russian government and business sectors. The blind hatred of Putin as seen in Western media gives credibility to my assertions. Not since Hitler has anyone been so thoroughly demonized by Western media than Putin.

For the past several years I've been learning to speak Russian. Also immersing myself in Russian culture and history. If things become untenable here in the US, I'll make my way to Russia.
Post stuff about or from the 2010s.
Obviously, try as these bootlickers of the jew may, the proposal's simply not feasible, affordable. But it wouldn't surprise me in the least if, not only Massachusetts, but every state in the Union, passed legislation requiring all students to go on a field trip to the Holocaust Memorial Museum at some point in their 12 years of indoctrination.

Upon completion of this taxpayer-paid monument to the Greatest Hoax on Earth, Elie Wiesel said that the primary purpose of its construction was to turn every gentile visitor into a jew. Of course the Weasel was speaking figuratively as God's Chosen People is the most exclusive of all clubs to join. Jews are merely seeking to keep their fading historical myth in the limelight; and nothing's more effective in generating both sympathy and shekels for those poor, poor, perpetually-picked-on jews.
Post stuff about or from the 2010s.
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