Gen z ediots

He must have hit a tree stump or a big rock sticking up out of the ground as he was speeding around in the woods.
It was all just a big coincidence that his car crashed out of the woods just as the Presidents limo was driving by.
The jewsmedia will forget this story as fast as they forgot the Republican ball game shooting.
This is the same media that is claiming antifa has a right to commit acts of violence because they are trying to create ever lasting peace.
The jew has learned a long time ago, in order to control a nation, they must control the women. Then the men will follow. The simple fact that all of the men we see involved with the women's demonstrations are doing so not from a moral conviction that agrees with the women, but rather as a way to curry favor as a means to gain access to pussy. Yes, it's as simple as that. The driving force to fuck a pussy will override most men's political concerns and/or objections to the feminist's agenda. The vast majority of males are beta males and the jew has a full understanding of this reality and has been exploiting this weakness for ages.
This explains the full-on war against Donald Trump, the quintessential White alpha male. The jew cannot allow for an alpha male role model, especially a White one, to present itself in so high a position in society.
The attacks on Trump are the jew's attempt to castrate a white alpha male.
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