your god doesnt fucking exist you retarded religionfags, i am the only true god. @Quence @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd @dropdatwat @chuj
i am obviously a god. i consider myself the prince of the earth.

your god doesnt fucking exist you retarded religionfags, i am the only true god. @Quence @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd @dropdatwat @chuj
i am obviously a god. i consider myself the prince of the earth.
FUCK YOU! Hypeshot fucking is the best!you really need to touch grass.
If a jew ripped off another jew, what is the jew to do? Will he sue? Will he try to fuck over who fucked him over? Or will he use that incident as a cover to prove how he was victimised by jews, thus gaining the trust of proWhite groups, whereby he can ingratiate himself in order to glean info to give to his hacker friends who'll provide him with lists of WNs for another one of his jewy-like exposes? Just asking.your god doesnt fucking exist you retarded religionfags, i am the only true god. @Quence @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd @dropdatwat @chuj
i am obviously a god. i consider myself the prince of the earth.
I've seen articles about China where they had pictures of abandoned newborns that look very similar in size to those in the baby-soup pics. I've seen babies in China that have been left inside toilets covered in blood and shit, in trashcans, in dumpsters, in garbage piles, in sewers or sewer pipes, on the side of the road (sometimes after being thrown out from a moving car), etc. and in some instances the babies are still alive!your god doesnt fucking exist you retarded religionfags, i am the only true god. @Quence @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd @dropdatwat @chuj
i am obviously a god. i consider myself the prince of the earth.
Pretty much everything that normal people experience can be classified as mental illness if you only spin it the right way. Psychiatry is such a sham industry.your god doesnt fucking exist you retarded religionfags, i am the only true god. @Quence @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd @dropdatwat @chuj
i am obviously a god. i consider myself the prince of the earth.
your god doesnt fucking exist you retarded religionfags, i am the only true god. @Quence @Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd @dropdatwat @chuj
i am obviously a god. i consider myself the prince of the earth.