History of gay porn lulz

The millennials witnessed goatse

And generation z witnessed all the thug porn, dreamybull, dedi amkaming, etc.
The millennials witnessed goatse
View attachment 29098
And generation z witnessed all the thug porn, dreamybull, dedi amkaming, etc.
View attachment 29099
The kikes are usually the owners of the plastic surgery clinics that are hacking off the breasts of White women who the Jew has convinced are transgendered. And those poor saps who've been brainwashed that they're suddenly women and go and have their dicks lopped-off are undoubtedly the jew's crowning achievement of their domination. The tattoos, the body piercings all of that crap is from the jew. They simply cannot stand looking at the radiant beauty of White people and they're compelled to defile it. The jew got their foot in the door by gaining control of the garment industry. That was the beginning of how they decided to alter our appearance. Beginning in earnest in the 1970s and the pathetically clownish gender-bending clothes of that decade, then moving forward to the eighties and the gigantic masculine shoulder padded blouses for women to the nineties and beyond with the absolutely hideous fashions that make a mockery out of us. Just like the jew's trashy so-called modern art, they have the aesthetic sensibilities of demented swine. And they now carve-up our people like Christmas turkeys. Leaving them forever mutilated, disfigured and unrecognizable as White.
For these things and so many other crimes, the jew is worthy of nothing more than complete eradication from the face of the earth.
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