He said "youre gay". I showed him goatse because goatse is a hilarious shock image.
Just about all blue niggers are notoriously bad to White People these days and there is no question about that. There are very few White People in "law enforcement," maybe 0.1 percent if that many. They are pale or (((tribe members))) if they're not actually black niggers, spics, somalis, or similar untermenschen.He said "youre gay". I showed him goatse because goatse is a hilarious shock image.
He said "youre gay". I showed him goatse because goatse is a hilarious shock image.
I added the emphasis, Ray Allen, since I don't put anything past them either. And I hope I see a day when we White People are treated as well or better than the "rapefugees!!!!"He said "youre gay". I showed him goatse because goatse is a hilarious shock image.
SuperChungus is a retarded piece of dogshitall i've got to add is:
murderguaranteed is a retarded little shit
I bet if that piece of shit had been drawn by a White man it wouldn't sell for even 1 dollar, but since it was drawn by a primitive shitskin it gets over 100 freaking millions!He said "youre gay". I showed him goatse because goatse is a hilarious shock image.
Revealing the truth is always an anti-Semitic hate crime.He said "youre gay". I showed him goatse because goatse is a hilarious shock image.
He said "youre gay". I showed him goatse because goatse is a hilarious shock image.