this is a fame and money-making event for the fake opposition. i've told people since day one, you need to clear out the underbrush. get the tits and the pro goobers out of the way so it's jew v white. "lauren southern" that's like a porno political name and mcinnes are part of "rebel" (fake) media, which is jew ezra levant. so this KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! levant pays these goober-dupers to fly cross country and defend free speech and blast out their fake version of america, aka individualist and civic-nationalist
you got kicked out of 4chan and KF didn't you why the fuck does it need to be shut down?! Nostalgia is fucked for us all!
If convicted, it's not going to be a stretch from this to someone posting something they find offensive, crying about it (literally), and calling that an attack. This bagel is salivating over the idea they could potentially have a climate where they can arrest people for verbally "attacking" someone online as if it were a physical assault.

I hope this guy has a good lawyer, because this Eichenwald is one slimy, lying Jew. He's every stereotype of Jew all rolled into one kosher sausage. I know he's going to get crack team of lawyers to convict this guy and it will spell the end of free speech online.
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