Foty 24 predictions

TGNB--Typical Green Nigger Behavior. Also TBNB--Typical Blue Nigger Behavior when it comes to shooting dogs. Many green niggers leave the military, join the police force and become blue niggers, not much difference.

Same psychotic, sociopathic behavior as in that video of Marines in Afghanistan throwing a puppy over a cliff while the song 'Proud to be an American' plays in the background. *puke*
The best face I can put on this is that the anti-Trump rhetoric and environment got so hot that the neocons were able to weasel their way into the Trump administration with the help of the Jew Jared Kushner. Without this environment of left wing hate for the neocons to ride on, I doubt the neocons would have had any leverage to use. Of course, the left isn't going to get what they want by trying ally with the enemy of their enemy.
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