The jew is an expert at creating mock opposition.Warning, spoilers in the 2nd video.
Thanos is my favorite squid game season 2 character
Yes, jews have always been the biggest purveyors of multiculturalism/third-world immigration in Australia, and these jews are also hardcore zionists who support the genocidal bandit state of Pissrael. |
Koshervative jew crooks are always trying to trick their white host people into hating - and in many cases, going to war with - Muslim countries that international jewry considers a threat to Pissrael's hegemony in the Middle East.
WHAT!? Andrew, tsk, tsk, tsk, you've unleashed the wrath of CI tards.
I'll never forget that video of her tripping over her fat cankles trying to make it to that van. Like elephant legs, the same circumference at the thigh all the way down to the foot and wearing those baggy pants suits to hide her John Merrick-like affliction. The hysterical waddle and plastered-on killer-clown smile made for both horror and carnival show all wrapped up in the hardcore anal retentive armor of the passive aggressive man hating feminist. To be honest, I'd love to read a news report where she was found dead in her home as a result of being gang raped to death by her illegal immigrant yard maintenance crew.
Nuttyahoo needs to break out his Wile E. Coyote ACME-brand bomb poster at the UN again and kvetch about how he needs 6 gazillion more shekels from Uncle Schmuel to stop all this evil anti-semitism.