Should rape be legal

Ruth took Sarah with her in the car to visit Ruth's motherfucking in Washington Heights for the weekend. Jacob feigned being constipated so he could stay home. Jacob had a plan. Something a little different from his normal abnormality. He would cross dress for the first time!
Digging into Ruth's closet he found her old granny style green dress with the tiny yellow flowers. He went with this because he couldn't wear anything shorter that exposed his shoes because of that damn clubbed foot wouldn't permit him to wear any fabulous footwear.
After much difficulty he managed to slip into a pair of fishnet pantyhose and one of Ruth's old nursing bras that he over stuffed with dirty socks from the hamper. He found Ruth's old afro-style disco wig on the floor in the back of her closet, stretched it over his head, made some adjustments and then he went for the clip-on large hoop earrings. Not being a beautician by any stretch of the imagination, Jacob simply applied a copious slathering of bright red lip gloss. He stood back, looked at himself in the mirror and immediately popped an erection. His first instinct was to violently choke his chicken, but with much restraint he figured he would hold off until after his little parade around the block.
On his way out the front door Jacob grabbed Sarah's little pink parasol umbrella as icing on the cake. As he sauntered and minced his way down the sidewalk he could feel the nylon of the pantyhose rubbing on his penis giving it a warm glow. A Chevy Silverado truck full of Mexicans drove by, they wolf-whistled and yelled something probably filthy in Spanish...this made Jacob's ballsack tighten and he almost ejaculated right there from excitement.
As he hobbled down the sidewalk he wiggled his ass for all it was worth. Then suddenly just before he reached the first corner a nigger jumped out of the bushes and attacked him with a quick sucker punch. This was a brutal beating that put Jacob in the ICU for a week and what few teeth he had left were knocked out.

As a child, Jacob's Hebrew school, Yeshiva Grossberg TelAviv Com, was well know for its cabbalist esoterics as well as it's political involvement in worldwide social activism. There Jacob was inculcated with proof of his tribe's dominion over the earth as well as the need to supplant other culture's sexual orientation with that of the tribe's.
There in that school was where Jacob got and gave his first blowjob and explored the joys of anal infatuation. He was amazed to see the rabbis with constant erections and how these erections resembled the genitalia of various zoo animals. One particular rabbi was born with his own penis that neatly bent around and was stuck in his own anus. Jacob oft wondered if that was why the rabbi always seemed to have both a grimace and maniacal expression on his face?
In third class Jacob was caught stealing money from the administration office safe and was given special recognition of that incident at his bar mitzvah.
At home, Jacob developed a phobia of female pubic hair due to his motherfucking forcing him to lick her. She would withhold his food unless he licked her to orgasm. To say this emotionally scarred him would be inaccurate. Rather this was an atypical morphilitic aggravation of his atrophied frontal lobes, his birth defect, that formed his entire worldview and fondness for the brown starfish. This particular phobia was way down the long list of other neuroses that clogged his brain and governed his behavior.
Jacob graduated last in his class and that brought great shame to his family who had hopes of him becoming a lawyer, or a doctor or a politician. His father often slapped him in the face for no reason, only to say, "Jafloc oy!" Jacob had no idea what that meant. All he knew was he wanted to kill him and he devoted many hours thinking of ways to do it.
When his father was found dead at the foot of the stairs, Jacob was heard snickering in his room.
Just curious.

It never ceases to amaze just how much shit the jew can shove down the lemming's throats. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, like masochists on steroids begging to be abused, robbed and spit on. Their children murdered by niggers and their women turned into nasty whores. No insult is too big. No pain is so hurtful as to make them rethink their position.

Makes one wonder what this weakness is? Seems to run contrary on every level to the primary directive of life, that demands survival of the species.

The metaphor of the suicidal lemming creature is wholly appropriate, thank you Dr. Pierce.

It's evident, the jew's brainwashing is profoundly deep and irreversible in many cases.

Franco, the dictator of Spain, once said, "I would kill half of Spain's population to keep the jewish communists from taking over."

IMO Franco was a realist.
Just curious.
Poland's jew-controlled government promotes "anti-racism" and multiculturalism in Poland while supporting the racist, genocidal bandit state Pissrael.

Poland's jew-controlled government promotes "anti-racism" and multiculturalism in Poland while supporting the racist, genocidal bandit state Pissrael.

Poland's jew-controlled government promotes "anti-racism" and multiculturalism in Poland while supporting the racist, genocidal bandit state Pissrael.

Poland's jew-controlled government promotes "anti-racism" and multiculturalism in Poland while supporting the racist, genocidal bandit state Pissrael.

Just curious.
The jew is an expert at creating mock opposition.

These people are all screened and selected the same way movie actors are, that's because they're essentially the same thing. And we've been trained to use the jew-approved words to describe them which keeps us from seeing their real purpose. We call them actors, politicians, pundits, commentators, celebrities, athletes, musicians etc.
When in fact they're all one gigantic group of jew-tools whose ultimate purpose is to keep us from seeing the jew.

In the tool selection process, the jew is careful to pick only those people with serious character weaknesses. Easily extorted. Easily bought. They look for charismatic sociopaths with the ability to shamelessly lie. In the case of sports athletes, they really don't care about the tool's ability to lie, but only their ability to attract those most loathsome of the lemmings, the sports fan. Then the jew will slip in filth at the halftime show and commercials.

The mock opposition is akin to the red herring. A diversion. A squid spewing ink. Anything to keep critical eyes off the jew.

So many Whites are derailed in their journey to becoming truly racially aware by this trick of the jew.

With great skepticism, cynicism and a 'guilty until proven innocent' attitude is the way to cut through the jew's bullshit and see it for what it is.
Just curious.
This is… this is just… just… what in the hell is happening?

Has the whole world lost its mind?

Via Breitbart:

In a quixotic ruling, the country’s high court ruled that a man who was on trial for raping and sexually exploiting his own daughters wasn’t guilty of “bestiality.” The man reportedly, “smeared peanut butter on the genitals of his victims and had the family dog lick it off while he videotaped the act.”
The convicted man took his case to the Canadian Supreme Court, demanding that the bestiality charge be nullified. In the end, the court agreed.
As a result of the rape case, the court ruled 7 to 1 that humans having sexual contact with animals is OK if there is no “penetration” involved in the act.
“Although bestiality was often subsumed in terms such as sodomy or buggery, penetration was the essence — ‘the defining act’ — of the offense,” the court’s ruling states as reported by The Independent.
Some have argued the Supreme Court was just interpreting the law, but regardless, the end result is the same.

So in Canada, it’s legal to receive oral sex from dogs… and a British lady actually married her dog not too long ago.

But it gets so much worse…

A recent article from the Daily Mail lamented the troubling new trend of “animal brothels” rising in Germany as many humans are claiming sex with animals is just another “lifestyle choice.”
A “lifestyle choice”? Gee. Sounds so politically correct… and absolutely horrifying.

Just how utterly disgusting do things have to get around here?

Seriously. What in the hell is wrong with people?!

Again, has the whole world gone mad?
Just curious.
Not to toot my own horn too loudly, but while Trumpamania was the big thing on this board during last year's election campaign -- and fronted by members whom you would think would have more common sense, who should've known better -- I said what I said in my above post almost verbatim. Democract, Republican -- merely two sides of the same shekel.

We are never going to vote our way out of this mess. I've been trying to drill that into some pretty thick skulls ever since I registered on this forum; but when will people learn? It's one thing for a conservative to go ga-ga over a man they think will finally turn things around, but for a WN to be so naive?... so gullible? Absolutely no excuse.
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