Happy lunar new year!

Get the fuck out of my thread before you get raped
Carlson is a duplicitous POS. The ultimate shill for the jew. If anyone here believes he's with us, they're sadly mistaken.
For years, all he did with his "bombshell reports" was state how the someone was cornholing us, ever careful not to name the jew, rather giving lame excuses and pointing the finger at nebulous boogyman as the culprits.
Now the jew is minching words not directly saying Carlson's been fired, but alluding to a mutually agreeable separation for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
And today everyone speculates as to the real reason for Carlson's ouster based upon the scripts read by Carlson but actually penned by the jew.
There's strong reason to believe Carlson's ouster is simply part of the role he's agreed to play for the jew. Carlson's pretending to move further to the right gives him cred with the cuntservitives who think he's a martyr for the conservative cause. This pretend firing cements that notion in their minds.
Carlson has been nothing but a Pied Piper for countless red herrings and paid the big bucks for keeping the goyem distracted from seeing the jew.
White nationalists so badly want for a spokesman for our cause. Carlson is not that guy.
Get the fuck out of my thread before you get raped
I haven't seen the program on T V recently. I watched it on occasion just for information about why in hell were sheeple donating to the "Christian organization.
Many of you know that I'm an old Deep South Christian who doesn't like (((the tribe))).
Even with the neoplasms in two separate areas in my brain, I managed to get my PhD in philosophy with a concentration in epistemology and metaphysics.
I just made it, but it took six years.
I got into the program, which was designed for "senior citizens," and the cost was very low.
One reason why I did this is because I wanted to be able to present an effective case against the (((liberals))), some of which just make ad homenim rhetorical "duckspeak" kindergarten attacks against anyone, especially White People, who dare to disagree with them. I've recently seen a lot of (((tribe members" coming close to using something similar to the "muh dick" tactics that are used primarily by niggers.
And, my studies have been a very good way to keep my brain active.
So far the specialists haven't really determined the severity of the neoplasms in the right side of my brain as of this time.
Please send me a great number of White Thoughts to me.
According to that calculator, someone with a $400,000 mortgage at an interest rate of 6.98% over 30 years will end up paying $556,102.18 in interest before the mortgage is finally paid off.”

An even nastier hidden form of financial chicanery is missing from the above equation.

This is called fractional reserve banking.

The rates differ from time to time, from bank to bank, from nation to nation.

Basically, the banks print, say, 90% of every mortgage loan from thin air just the same as any criminal counterfeiter in the local bar selling fake bank notes at 10 cents on the dollar.

The bank then asks the borrower (or ‘mortgagor’) to slave all the best years of their young lives to pay back vast amounts of money with interest in excess that they have never really been lent.

The bank has zero real commodities to back up the creation of this 90% of the initial loan that it ‘provides’.

The bank is basically running a con game, taking full advantage of the fact that people trust banks as very legally and lawfully run and controlled institutions.

Almost nobody knows about this, if they did, banks would be out of business virtually overnight.

A significant number of prominent politicians in the UK for instance are really banker agents and this can be seen when researching their pasts and by witnessing how they go back into banking as soon as their terms of political office are completed.

And when I ask anyone in the street, sure enough, almost no one has any idea what I am talking about as regards the existence of such a thing as fractional reserve banking.

The 1,000,000 dollars lent to the borrower goes to the house vendor, he is happy, but massive inflation now enters the economy by this massive injection of fake money.

The Jewish-owned bank basically uses Talmudic money magic as a tool to literally enslave the Gentiles without this enslavement even being openly suspected by the trusting Gentiles.

In 1066 usurious Talmudic money magic banking was used to enslave the already militarily conquered English.

Most mortgage borrowers are actually grateful for being told they have successfully passed through all the security criteria necessary in order to be approved for a mortgage loan, with this interview by the bankers all being an essential part of the act to convince people that everything is honest about the banks themselves and that only the intended borrower himself needs to be screened as only the borrower themself could possibly ever be dishonest or present some financial risk, while the borrower is made to believe that only the bank itself could ever be the victim of fraud, this being yet more more Jewish projection and kapparot black magic energy switching.

The Jew banks simply harvest the labour of the Gentiles by this method, it is a very simple, yet very sophisticated scam.

The trick to it being successful is that nobody knows, the complicit governments keep everyone numbed down with fluoride or some other methods, and petrified of breaking the law by defaulting on their mortgage repayments and thus losing the vital roof over the heads of their families.

Ruthless banks do not recognize how much anyone has already paid to the banks even if they have already given enough to the bank to buy several houses when they default.

If the borrower defaults through ill health, even after successfully paying back 90% of the amount required by the bank, the banks will still seize the entire house even after the borrower has already paid back almost everything the bank wants.

The real amount scammed from the mortgage borrower when fractional reserve banking fraud is factored in actually comes to a large number of houses more than the above equation from the above article.
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