think ima try to get over 100 books this year?
i am gonna end up blowing this out of the water i think...
i had read some shorter/faster to read books and i've been using a notebook to keep track of what i read n i found myself abt halfway through february with an equal share of days in and books read so i was like fuck it let's book sprint
34 books in feb. a nice mix mostly consisting of people freezing to death in the mountains, junji ito, and outdoorsey/garden stuff
with 11 in jan i'm at 45 now. gonna go with long, slow books for march. i got thucydides' peloponnesian war n les miserables.
notable books this month:
the two david lynch books room to dream and catching the big fish. it was nice to hear his voice again
hadrian's wall book was nice. antonine plague is often overlooked
chasing the devil had audio interviews with bundy n green river gary, a nice addition
dark victory was a lovely book about the mca corporation, its mob ties, and how a bunch of their lackeys behind the scenes pushed reagan into politics while he sold out sag from within and then gutted the government's mob and drug fighting capabilities while touting a "tough on drugs n crime" front
dark age ahead was about the direction society has slowly been turning, with the credentialization of universities and shit policies being passed that are out of touch with the actual needs people in towns have. an interesting story in the book which the author stated was how a chicago heat wave killed a large number of elderly and the cdc sent 80 people n the conclusions reached were "well they didn't turn their ac on" but an actual real human person came out and interviewed around where one area of the elderly people who had a high death rate lived and then an area where the elderly died less. discovthe area where they died more had less open air restaurants, shaded areas, and sense of community in the neighborhood. shockingly, the area where more elderly people survived had closer community where neighbors checked up on each other, and more walkable shaded areas. this person who did this interviewing wrote a separate book, and i have downloaded it. i am expecting it to be the spiritual successor to stephen johnson's ghost map, what with the going around and finding the actual cause instead of just shouting "it's the miasma that did it!" over and over again. dark age ahead also dunks on "just add another lane bro. an 8th lane would fix traffic bro" city 'engineers'
the ant architecture book is fascinating
all in all a lovely book month