book thread

fucking boomer parents. back in 2017 my dad (at the time hardcore bernie-bro and butthurt over his flaccid "loss") asked me smugly if i approved of how trump was doing. i told him trump wasnt going far enough... he didnt like that. used to tell him years before then that US and china are pretty much the same, practically forced his brain to reboot every time as he sputtered MSM nonsense.
the book states a lot of conclusions i already reached and some which i had said before
Yes, it can temporarily feel good when your views are validated in an echo chamber. But it's like a sugar high: you're on top of the world with lots of positive energy but then comes the crash and you realize they were just empty calories.

(and every dem president after has scooted further to the right)
I literally snorted with laughter when I read that nonsense. It's unintentionally hilarious!

imagine my shock getting home today n seeing a post from spectator index that the new syria administration is opening the economy for investors. they're gonna bulldoze historic damascus and put a fuck ugly modernist strip mall with an apple store n a mcdonalds)
I'm sure the radical Islamists will build something tasteful.

BTW, there is NEVER a wrong place for the opening of a beautiful new Apple Store!


fucking boomer parents. back in 2017 my dad (at the time hardcore bernie-bro and butthurt over his flaccid "loss") asked me smugly if i approved of how trump was doing. i told him trump wasnt going far enough... he didnt like that. used to tell him years before then that US and china are pretty much the same, practically forced his brain to reboot every time as he sputtered MSM nonsense.
bernie n trump were actually p the same regarding external economic measures. neither liked nafta n thought it bled manufacturing into mexico (i agree with this) and disliked how we exported a lot of our other manufacturing over to china (also agree with this) and felt this weakened u.s. manufacturing (it did)
they simply disagreed over how to deal with it. reps ran with their populist and dems shat on theirs n continued trying to pull 20 year ago neoliberal reps into the midst and hoping the same wall street backers from the clinton era would save them after *checks notes* huge swaths of the populace lost their jobs/houses/pensions because of that mismanagement. biden i think only pulled some of the actual left out because he vocally adopted some of bernie's policies (and then promptly disregarded them after reaching office)

but yeh, the culture war started simply cuz clinton out-neoliberaled the right, n continues as a reactionary tactic to keep pitting working class against itself (you can watch this play out in real time as everybody tries to point out where st. luigi of gunpowder sits on the political spectrum)

as an aside, book mentioned (and i had no idea) bernie went to israel and spent time at a commune there? which, i had ni idea there was at one point a full on commune? :oops:b-based
an aside, book mentioned (and i had no idea) bernie went to israel and spent time at a commune there? which, i had ni idea there was at one point a full on commune
there were kibbutzes in israel even while it still was part of ottoman empire. jews always had large socialist populations and after the state of israel was born he gov had to keep them around to please the socialists, they're still around today and doing pretty fine for themselves
i think our friend @rodion mentioned visiting one
there were kibbutzes in israel even while it still was part of ottoman empire. jews always had large socialist populations and after the state of israel was born he gov had to keep them around to please the socialists, they're still around today and doing pretty fine for themselves
i think our friend @rodion mentioned visiting one
i will have to research this more. i know there are plenty of leftyjews (some v prominent in current book) but a functioning commune is still a surprise. i suppose it shouldn't be, in a sense where older places are more likely to have small, self-reliant places tucked away, but my knowledge of the jews n the middle east region in general is full of gaps, and most of it in terms of recent meddling *looks over at wikileaks files, the shortest history of israel and palestine, and jihad vs mcworld* or in terms of diaspora (jewish slavers in brazil, jewish scientists who came over to manhattan project, being on the receiving end of several pogroms during the middle ages, etc) none of which really portray an uninterrupted day to day existence in non-hostile areas.

oh hey he was logged in recently! @rodion if you come back i watched a jewish horror movie on shudder a while back n i forgot the name of it but it was kinda cool n if you could recommend a solid book on jewish mythology/demons that would be dank af plz
bernie n trump were actually p the same regarding external economic measures. neither liked nafta n thought it bled manufacturing into mexico (i agree with this) and disliked how we exported a lot of our other manufacturing over to china (also agree with this) and felt this weakened u.s. manufacturing (it did)
they simply disagreed over how to deal with it. reps ran with their populist and dems shat on theirs n continued trying to pull 20 year ago neoliberal reps into the midst and hoping the same wall street backers from the clinton era would save them after *checks notes* huge swaths of the populace lost their jobs/houses/pensions because of that mismanagement. biden i think only pulled some of the actual left out because he vocally adopted some of bernie's policies (and then promptly disregarded them after reaching office)

but yeh, the culture war started simply cuz clinton out-neoliberaled the right, n continues as a reactionary tactic to keep pitting working class against itself (you can watch this play out in real time as everybody tries to point out where st. luigi of gunpowder sits on the political spectrum)

as an aside, book mentioned (and i had no idea) bernie went to israel and spent time at a commune there? which, i had ni idea there was at one point a full on commune? :oops:b-based
thing with trump is his politics hasnt really shifted much, it's big money ceos and globalist shitbags that's pushed things so out of whack that people now call trump conservative.
thought i read a rumor somewhere that bernie also spent some time in USSR, though i could be wrong and getting memories mixed up.

started reading some more evola, this time "metaphysics of war". it's a bunch of short articles that he wrote between the two world wars and goes into some of the topics Revolt covers more extensively though Metaphysics seems to be a little easier for me to digest. lately i've been leaning less NatSoc, but im still very much pro white separatist.

Re-reading this since first getting it a long time ago. Pretty good read with an insight into nature from the author who has been studying both crows and ravens in Washington state. Ravens are rarer to see in the city but sometimes I will see one flying around, though they are far more common in the mountains just north of Phoenix.
I'm reading (or trying to read) Stalky and Co., which is a book by Rudyard Kipling. Like a lot of his works, it's a series of stories assembled after the fact, so the collection isn't exactly complete, meaning that each time I think I'm done with it, I seem to find more Stalky stories. Not that I'm particularly upset about this; the stories not published inside the original collection have given a lot of background info that makes the stories a bit more fun to read.

They're based around a group of three teenagers, about 16 or so, in a British boarding school at some point in the mid to late 1800s. Honestly, one of the more accurate depictions of teenagers I've seen; I may not be a Victorian English schoolboy, but I think some parts are relateable despite that. The characters have a lot of words and phrases that are either unique to them or are used as inside jokes, like saying "I gloat" over and over, which might be a reference that I'm too modern and/or American to understand.

Kipling also does a good job of letting the characters be imperfect. They aren't at the extremes in any cases, being about average but each character still having their own personality traits that let the reader distinguish them.

I like Beetle the most because he has no common sense half the time, but he's a bit of a bookworm, which is basically yours truly.

The language is a little hard to get a grasp on, since I don't use that kind of slang, but context clues make it better over time. A lot of the words the author uses are bordering on archaic, so it can be a little hard to find an exact translation. Lot of Latin and French thrown in too, as well as references to a whole bunch of other books.

Best part is that one of the characters is Irish and Kipling, being an old British dude, tends to make a lot of jokes about that. McTurk isn't exactly a charicature, but his being Irish is treated more like a personality trait than any of the other boys' Britishness.

I started reading this book because I knew that Redrick Schuart from Roadside Picnic was partially based on Stalky Corkran, but I've liked Stalky and Co. quite a bit more. I already have a list of other books to read that are referenced in Stalky.
I was at the Barnes & Noble earlier looking for a book and I asked the fat white pink haired clerk if they had Donald Trump's new book on how to deport illegal immigrants.

She immediately said to me, "Get the f*** out of here and don't come back."

I said, "Yes, that's the one. Do you have it in paperback?" ”
i am starting steven johnson's the infernal machine tomorrow. kind of excited. i have read ghost map by him before, which is about the london cholera outbreak. he's a good writer.
this book was rather delightful. it details the trials and tribulations faced by cops and anarchists in the early 1900's. mostly through the eyes of emma goldman and her homie alexander berkman. their shared love of the working class is solid and movements in the anarchist underground and how their cells tried to use dynamite against rockefeller after the mine bullshit in colorado popped off (neat how it tied into the other book). but there is also mention of the extortionist mafia precursor "the black hand" and how they would be all like "give us money or we'll dynamite you"
kinda tempted to see if i can find a book or two on the various groups that have used that name. i know there's more.
as someone who finds forensics and its use and mis-use fascinating, it was neat hearing about the earliest nypd use of fingerprinting in a trial.
author goes into detail saying once dynamite arrived the nypd actually had to start getting their shit together because they were basically organized crime themselves and cops making 5k salaries would retire with 6 figures n mansions from being paid off repeatedly by red light district
author, after talking about berkman's attempt to kill a strikebreaking pinkerton-hiring ceo, also details how many people were just... routinely getting fucking maimed. in places around philly there would be at least 500 factory maimings/killings/cripplings etc a year. and it was just the cost of doing business. but one ceo gets shot n the media n cops gotta start getting their shit straight. (absolutely no parallels can/should be made to anything recent going on in the last month)
it was nice hearing about papa kropotkin's travels and his living with swiss clockmaker commune and such.
eventually j edgar hoover deported goldman and berkman and even papa kropotkin went to soviet union before them. the next part depressed me n reminded me that while the existence of the soviet union was good for the working class outside of their sphere, lenin was still a fag. papa kropotkin went to cute little commune town to live with anarchists and soviets came in n were like "what is this, an already existing commune? without our permission?" and re-located half the people living there and kropotkin and his family were living on stores of what they had through winter. he made it through winter but 2 years later when he passed goldman wrote to lenin and was like "would you mind letting some of the anarchists out of jail so we can mourn him in peace?" and he was like "lol what anarchists?"

after that, i listened to call of the wild and white fang. both were nice but i prefer call of the wild more.

after those, at the suggestion of chuj, i dl'ed the man who was thursday by gk chesterton
this was an interesting book with a couple of different ways of interpreting it and it's old so i don't care about giving spoilers but if you don't want any scroll to the next paragraph. when worms reveals his card i was like "everyone else in the group has a card n sunday was in the dark room callin' it now" so i was not surprised by anything else until the surrealist and very open to interpretation turn in the final two chapters of the book. the different philosophers, faking being anarchists while actually being cops but sworn to secrecy so they feel obligated not to tell the cops, being led by the same father figure into both groups... there's a lot of ways to interpret this book.

and lastly, listened to a generic "cryptids of the u.s." mini encyclopedia that i finished today. i tend to agree with the author that bigfoot is everywhere and "an invasive species" like, every state has its own bigfoot p much n it goes by different names n overshadows other, more interesting local ones like why focus on bigfoot in new orleans when you got the rougarou (cajun werewolf)? the book ended with the jackalope :meow:
Been a long time, but if I remember the ending well, most people don't care for anarchy, they are OK with being ruled as long as it's done competently and reasonably.
yes, that's the gist of it... and i have thought a lot about it while talking with friends who live in sweden n finland n such over the years. i can comfortably say i would probably go full lovecraft n make fun of ppl here if i lived in a functioning country.

also i forgot i read swamp kings abt the corrupt murdaugh solicitor/lawyer 'dynasty' in hampton county, south carolina. standard american government officials: taking drugs, covering up family members raping kids, murdering the wife n son, taking money that isn't theirs. the usual

starting john berendt's midnight in the garden of good and evil today. excited.
if i lived in a functioning country.

Sorry kiddo, being from an orderly and prosperous Slav state (in orderly and prosperous Balkans), I really can't relate to your plight. Anyway, came back home and was greeted with news of embezzlement and criminal negligence. Apparently, 64 million euros was paid for a reconstruction of a train station in the second largest city, and the project was given to a Chinese construction company. Two months ago a canopy at the station's entrance collapsed and killed 14 people.

Real interesting book on noise.
The book's a little pretentious, especially in the introduction, but it picks up from there.
Guy gets into a lot of topics, from the japanese noise scene, the technoculture of Japan and how it applies to noise, the influence to north america, and a lot of others.

for context hes talking about anime that gets into the technoculture of japan for his whole point

japs are weird man

also my friend's friend's band Deerhoof is briefly mentioned, thought that was cool

personally dident like the band, I thought the whole hipster indie vibe the music gave off was greatly irritating

Eh if you like this type of stuff I would give it a read.
Sorry kiddo, being from an orderly and prosperous Slav state (in orderly and prosperous Balkans), I really can't relate to your plight.
glad you picked up on my pre and post irony. i self-immolated typing that post

i finished the midnight book and started the next berendt book abt venice
will give rundowns later
there is a loooot of fun in the more recent history/journalism books
i wasn't expecting overlap in the murdaugh swamp king and midnight book by berendt, but there was in the mention of moonshine and a single man. south carolina and georgia are side by side. bootleggers would hide their moonshine stills out on the little islands during prohibition
all this coast is boggy, swampy, "low country"

when it comes to harry cram... PEAK story-telling
harry cram is mentioned in the murdaugh book as a man who owned a chunk of acreage in south carolina but in the midnight book he would be invited to jim williams' yearly christmas party at the mercer house. murdaugh book, the second murdaugh, buster (there are many busters but this is the main buster) was working out a divorce settlement between harry cram and his wife ruth and fathered an illegitimate child with ruth. midnight, less plot he just attended the party (he's not the focus as he's not native to savannah)
BOTH of these books mention how he has a house on an island near a marine base and that his son and him were there one night when two swam out to his house, rolled his son, and tried to ransom him but harry opened the door and shot them both
even found an article on it

both books also mention how harry cram would also host lunches at his house, and then post up on his roof at noon and shoot the car hood ornaments off of cars that arrived late
again both books mention that once, when drunk, he couldn't find his closet key and shot the door open and it put a bullet hole down the entire line of clothes. berendt's book mentions that one of those jackets with a bullethole going through it is what he showed up to williams' christmas party
since i thoroughly enjoyed berendt's midnight book, i picked up n am halfway through city of falling angels now, his book about venice and the fenice opera house burning
i will say the marketing for both books are shit, as both are marketed as true crime but midnight, while he goes and watches the trial, is more a slice of life and scene-setting and then a murder happens. you're a third of the way through the book when the shooting takes place. i enjoy the local history, people meeting, the architectural and historical preservation aspects, etc. he's good at people watching and it's neat. the fenice book has an entire hour spent talking about an ezra pound controversy sidequest and i had no fucking idea or preparation for it. the people he rented from in the city had connections with these people who were next to olga and ezra's old house, and olga and her daughter didn't exactly like each other too much and so these people (phil and jane ryland) in the art world warmed up to her. turns out they were taking advantage of the elderly and had done the same to peggy guggenheim. so as olga aged and started to lose cognitive ability, she realized she had "started a foundation" with jane ryland and her lawyer, signing over her and ezra's house and all of his papers and correspondence for 7 thousand dollars, and any vote to change this arrangement would require a majority (and the only foundation members were olga, jane and jane's lawyer). so olga's daughter had to handle all of this because that's her dad's legacy, right? so they eventually got all the paperwork to go to the yale archives, and got the house back. jane was "just trying to help" ofc... anyways, when berendt went to the yale archives for the book (on the fenice, ofc), there was a box of paperwork on this foundation that couldn't be opened til 2016. i am so curious what's in it... the rylands wouldn't talk to him, and mary (olga and ezra's daughter) couldn't say certain things.

a beautiful first chapter of the book talks about archimede seguso, who came from a long line of glassblowing and lived near the fenice. after watching it burn down all night he went to work at the glassworks in the morning and started making pieces with colors from the fire.

my dude was a master and made masterpieces accordingly
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