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  1. Dildo Baggins

    Chris Chan and his mom are dead

    Has Chris ever actually been suicidal? I really stopped paying any attention to him back in the mid teens because reading about him just became really sad. :(
  2. Dildo Baggins

    ANTIFA protects trannie flashers in Wi Spa

    You don't do that by going into a spa whilst having a penis. You do that by getting kids into weird fetish pornography at a young age.
  3. Dildo Baggins

    ANTIFA protects trannie flashers in Wi Spa

    Why couldnt the dumb slut be normal and go to a bath house to relax like the rest of us degenerates?
  4. Dildo Baggins

    Computer stuff you just got

    i feel that. I spent alot of pre-teen years stealing matches and lighters and starting little fires with pine needles and bark behind the shed in my back yard. Did end up getting a gameboy color at one and played that motherfucker till it broke.
  5. Dildo Baggins

    Hey guys

    Hello. Now please go OD from fentanyl behind your local goodwill store.
  6. Dildo Baggins

    Computer stuff you just got

    I bought an iPad for my nephews 8th bday that's next week. My brother just informed me last night the little runt is already getting one from his grandma. Since I lost the receipt and don't feel like pawning it for booze money I now have an iPad for the first time in my life. The birthday boy...
  7. Dildo Baggins


    Welcome back. Please drop your pants, bend over the bed there and just relax. :) The hazing wont take to long this time around since most previous members have yet to return.
  8. Dildo Baggins

    What are you drinking

    grey goose and cranberry along with an edible I smuggled back from Michigan a few weeks ago.
  9. Dildo Baggins

    I need someone to take pictures of my butthole

    I need someone to take pictures of my butthole
  10. Dildo Baggins

    Donald Trump is God!

    You are entitled to that opinion. You are also a faggot because of said opinion.
  11. Dildo Baggins

    AlGore gets more attention from the grave.

    I have no evidence to back it up but i feel like Adam Lanza at least browsed the wiki on a regular basis at some point.
  12. Dildo Baggins

    South Africa

    The only thing i hate more than white people are niggers. So this upsets me on a deeply personal level.
  13. Dildo Baggins

    you sure are an aggressive little abortion aren't you?

    you sure are an aggressive little abortion aren't you?
  14. Dildo Baggins

    You people need to fuck off

    probably in a few months like always, then it will probably come back again
  15. Dildo Baggins

    Kiwifarms is losing its domain registry

    EDF will always be superior to kiwi farms. The old Tom Preston thread is proof that we could play their game even better than they and also make the entire thread into a meme unto itself. That took true autistic talent.
  16. Dildo Baggins

    I return yet again

    honestly I missed you and your dry sassy attitude alot :(
  17. Dildo Baggins

    Don't (((lock out))) this account

    Who the fuck is this?
  18. Dildo Baggins

    Kiwis vs plebbit

    Nulls current twitter got suspended this morning, mostly likely because of twitter faggots mass reporting. Anyone know of his new one?
  19. Dildo Baggins


    And fuck niggerfaggots
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