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  1. BiteySnek

    You people need to fuck off

    Oh, I think that's from me. Wasn't I like calling everyone "lessers" like 7 or 8 years back. And then "doorknobs" of course (useful idiots to open new opportunities). Degenerates, that's another good one, but I think someone else popularized it first. There's much WORSE things we could call...
  2. BiteySnek

    You people need to fuck off

    Could you please delete yourself... your body I mean... obviously you're already brain dead, so it's like you're a living zombie. It's seriously fuckin creepy! YOU'RE NOT REALLY ALIVE! The faster what's left of your subconscious realizes that fact, the faster it can trigger the appropriate...
  3. BiteySnek

    No idea where it came from, just saw someone using it as an avatar once and added it to my...

    No idea where it came from, just saw someone using it as an avatar once and added it to my archive. Good comic tho, I shall integrate it into my data collection.
  4. BiteySnek

    It's just an link, you know, like the WayBack machine archive page. You can use the...

    It's just an link, you know, like the WayBack machine archive page. You can use the site to make archive copies of any other web page online... including people's Twitters and news articles and such.
  5. BiteySnek

    I am Onideus, present living God of humanity's demons, at your displeasure...

    I am Onideus, present living God of humanity's demons, at your displeasure...
  6. BiteySnek

    I have tech that makes bullets explode... remotely. The safest place on earth is exactly where...

    I have tech that makes bullets explode... remotely. The safest place on earth is exactly where I'm standing.
  7. BiteySnek

    Yes, well, I'm not my spiritual father, I'm his son... and I do shit a bit differently. So fuck...

    Yes, well, I'm not my spiritual father, I'm his son... and I do shit a bit differently. So fuck you if you don't like it. It's *MY* turn now! This power is mine and mine alone... and maybe I'll just kill you all with it... I haven't really decided yet.
  8. BiteySnek

    It's ironic, don't you think? I mean... if the shit hits the fan, seriously... I'll be the...

    It's ironic, don't you think? I mean... if the shit hits the fan, seriously... I'll be the first to fight... ...and you'll be the first to surrender. Men like me are why the British Empire got their asses kicked. I'm as close as you can...
  9. BiteySnek

    What are you currently playing?

    Emulation is for game hackers, not gaymers. 1337 squad only!
  10. BiteySnek

    What are you currently playing?

    It actually terrifies me... it's like... I have all that... and every game for every one of those systems... in the size of nothing. Not even a blip on one of my hard drives. I can't imagine having to have all that... stuff. I mean... you have to clean it and dust it and then there's cord...
  11. BiteySnek

    What are you currently playing?

    Solo game and way too cheap to have any kind of MMO shit. It's the "Google doodle" but uh... I guess it's for the Olympic games... which is basically like the real life Habbo Hotel but exclusively for child grooming.
  12. BiteySnek

    What are you currently playing?

    Is... is that it? Are there like two hidden trophies? Google is so dissapointing, I've been playing this for like an hour and I don't even know what this is. Are they supposed to be like Japanese Olympic mascots or... wut? All in all, I give it a 4 out 10.
  13. BiteySnek


    It's like... autistic ICP.
  14. BiteySnek

    EDF6 1st Annual Yearbook Thread

    Next time do it without the piss filter and the 3DS camera filter... cause that looks more "autistic" than "artistic"... I'm just sayin. Also... where are your bangs? WHO STOLE YOUR BANGS!? I demand an investigation!
  15. BiteySnek

    EDF6 1st Annual Yearbook Thread

    Meanwhile on Gab... I think I just created a cult template. D:
  16. BiteySnek

    Technically I'm trying to clear out tabs... trying to do at least a 100 a day and then... huh...

    Technically I'm trying to clear out tabs... trying to do at least a 100 a day and then... huh, uh... well maybe I'll try and do 200 a day... otherwise this is gonna take forever. See, most people are under the mistaken impression that I "arrive" or "leave" groups... I don't... I just...
  17. BiteySnek

    EDF6 1st Annual Yearbook Thread

    War is hell over on socialist media.
  18. BiteySnek

    EDF6 1st Annual Yearbook Thread

    Oh do you think they're real? I assumed it was just some fake artist using some rando's images. Do you honestly think someone that hot would be on Encyclopedia Dramatica? LOL
  19. BiteySnek

    EDF6 1st Annual Yearbook Thread

    Pretty sure it's more recent than that.
  20. BiteySnek

    EDF6 1st Annual Yearbook Thread

    Right now. I use the vape shit, so it's like instant, but temporary high. I try to avoid edibles because then it's just like being high all day.
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