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  1. Weed!

    I'd also like to briefly talk about the one time I smoke weed with a Jewish kid back in the day. I had never seen someone flip out from smoking weed before that. It was as if the devil himself had put a scare into this person. It reminded me of the first time I did acid. My mind turned inside...
  2. Weed!

    Well, the massive amounts of hallucinogens I took when I was a kid didn't help. Delusions are supposed to be things that aren't real as well, I might add. Some of the delusions I've had were deffo 100% real. I just try to document them like a retard to see if anyone can learn from me or may...
  3. Weed!

    So, I can tell you, from direct experience, the following things about weed: 1) The majority of what is said in this video is true for me. I started smoking weed at 14 years old. I was smoking regularly at 16 years old and habitually by 17. Besides a one year gap, from which I started to drink...
  4. Bookmarked squiggle stories

    In this thread, I shall post tl;drs of the interesting moments I've experienced, the thoughts that I have, and whatever utter nonsense I am feeling at a particular moment in time. I don't have anything to share yet. I have to go back into my writings and find things that I can clean up to post...
  5. [MEDIA]

  6. Mr. LowTek's Psychic learning/healing thread...

    putting the ache in cloaca
  7. I am above everyone else here

    it's the litter ally. its a friendly safe space for the kitties.
  8. Smash or Pass?

    when boning them goes wrong
  9. I am above everyone else here

    this would be a good brand name for my cat's poop box
  10. spoiler alert: some of us weren't schizo before we got here

    spoiler alert: some of us weren't schizo before we got here
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