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  1. minty

    who did it best?

    a b
  2. minty

    peak 90's interactive house decor

    there was a time period where what is effectively furniture did things in the house without internet apps and updates, aka "smart" tech. this was the 90's this is interactive house decor. there was furby and it spoke its own language and you could teach it words. this required a sufficient...
  3. minty

    ny is a fascist dictatorship

    JUSTICE FOR PEANUT! euthanize rabid new yorkers, not squirrels in cowboy hats
  4. minty

    there are two genders

    gender a gender b
  5. minty

    moo deng

    bippo :meow:
  6. minty

    skeleton season

    i think @Kleetus skelly thread disappeared so makin' a new one. post skellies
  7. minty

    maritime shenanigans thread

    one of the great losses of the last forum is the maritime thread @moogs made so i am making a new one here are 2 videos about a ferry that sunk in the river thames back before england had proper plumbing n the thames was a shit river
  8. minty

    dream blunt rotation

    post 'em
  9. minty

    horror movie recs thread 2.0

    SUMMER FUN RECOMMENDS (movies set in summer/near beaches n shit) 1. piranha bold movie which shows kids getting eaten during a summer camp swim-off 2. humanoids from the deep (recently deceased) roger corman's masterpiece about fishmen raping women on the beach. stars doug mcclure 3. in a...
  10. minty

    book thread

    what are you reading and/or what did you read last? this last week i have been mainlining books straight into my veins i am still reading the potato book "history and social influence of the potato" and am a third of the way through now. the current chapter is talking about the effort to grow...
  11. minty


    Reported birth of rare white buffalo calf in Yellowstone park fulfills Lakota prophecy HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The reported birth of a rare white buffalo in Yellowstone National Park fulfills a Lakota prophecy that portends better times, according to members of the American Indian tribe who...
  12. minty

    mint farm 2.0

    blonky has missed showing off his beautiful majestic buttery feathers bandit is currently motherfuckinging two mixed race children. half cochin, half old english game you can see they have feathery feets the rest of the chickens are fine too, even little buddy n honey, who has been vying for right...
  13. minty

    why is girloninternet banned?

    who did this? why? i want their names, i want their families' homes burned to the ground
  14. minty

    yes hi again

    father i crave death
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