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  1. Roony

    tits or ass

    Nose checking in
  2. Roony

    Antifa fagatron rioter will be main protagonist in ‘Far Cry 6’

    Retarded video game is retarded. Water is wet, etc.
  3. Roony

    Who is your spirit villian?

    Bin Laden and I are quite astrologically similar so this hardly surprises me
  4. Roony

    Nevermind lol

    Nevermind lol
  5. Roony

    Give me an image and I'll make it so

    Give me an image and I'll make it so
  6. Roony


    I used to like a bit of Kode9, which I think is supposed to be tr00 dubstep. I'm pretty clueless about the whole thing though
  7. Roony


    It's hard to imagine why
  8. Roony


    Some dubstep crap all the kids are into these days
  9. Roony


    Lurked the wiki since before I was born (true story!!!) so here I am at last. Anyone here into Steely Dan?
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