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  1. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    Longcat Perisheth in Peace; Millions Blackpilled Again

    Of all the memes I have encountered on the internet... his was the most... human...
  2. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    Tick Tock, Tik Tok!

    Apparently the ban is being delayed over a potential deal.
  3. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    Tick Tock, Tik Tok!

    More information about The Donald is curing e-cancer can be found here
  4. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    Apparently the US looked to native tribes when figuring out their representative democracy.

    One thing I recently learned was that the natives were arguably the first people to invent the syringe. There's a 1000 year old hollowed bird bone needle in the ROM.
  5. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    Note worthy YouTube Channels/vids

    Needs more Sabaton.
  6. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    Apparently the US looked to native tribes when figuring out their representative democracy.

    Make of that what you will. Either way I'm already enjoying my new career path.
  7. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    ‘Transsexual Satanist anarchist’ whose slogan is ‘f*** the police’ wins GOP nomination for New Hampshire county sheriff

    >‘Transsexual Satanist anarchist’ whose slogan is ‘f*** the police’ K >wins GOP nomination
  8. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    Richard Spencer cant redact

    Looks like he also has a Gmail account.
  9. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    Humanity has peaked. Enjoy
  10. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    God has come to reap the sinners.
  11. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    (((Oscars))) are now given only to inclusive movies.

    This in why award shows are trash.
  12. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    US Politics General

    Again, we need Quality Shoop.
  13. AmbrJones Wickenshire

    US Politics General

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