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  1. Caku

    Favorite TV Show?

    I like The Sopranos
  2. Caku

    Help me find a job

    Get into a trade, I would try to get into carpentry, It's useful as a skill outside of work as well if your trying to build yourself a house. Masonry is also really nice if you don't live anywhere where its super hot out all the time. Electricians have it nice if you like fixing other people's...
  3. Caku

    Happy Juneteenth, from Ikea!

    Ungrateful niggers
  4. Caku

    Video of the Now thread - for "downtime"

    bump with a video you asshole
  5. Caku

    Cuts n' Scars

    Happened right in front of the CEO when i wanted to show him our gear, he didnt notice as i shifted my grip immediately to the handle and just squeezed as hard as i could to stop the blood flow.
  6. Caku

    Cuts n' Scars

    It was a wall mounted cabinet used to store firefighting gear on the ship I used to work on. it was in a stairway but it was around chest level
  7. Caku

    Cuts n' Scars

    Well i opened it and it fell out as i opened it. Didnt even know what was falling out when i cought it.
  8. Caku

    Cuts n' Scars

    It dropped out of a cabinet and i cought it by the the head.
  9. Caku

    Cuts n' Scars

    I got three scars on the same hand
  10. Caku


  11. Caku

    Pee pee poo poo

  12. Caku

    Dickless male dreams of torching Ol' Glory on the olympic podium.

    Because the Chelsea football club is filled with fannies
  13. Caku


  14. Caku

    Pee Pee

    Pee Pee
  15. Caku

    Pee Pee

    Pee Pee
  16. Caku

    Pee Pee

    Pee Pee
  17. Caku

    Pee Pee

    Pee Pee
  18. Caku

    Pee Pee

    Pee Pee
  19. Caku

    Pee Pee

    Pee Pee
  20. Caku

    Pee Pee

    Pee Pee
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