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  1. DragontheMan

    I am a Jewish man with a sense of humor!

    yeah we like satire here and weeb jewish guys are welcome
  2. DragontheMan

    Here in Denver

    First night at the shelter I had to get checked in downstairs, and the guy wanted to put me on a one night emergency stay. This didn't seem so helpful to me so I put up the first weeks rent of 78 dollars so I could spend a week. They had a hot meal and then after a few hours went to bed. The...
  3. DragontheMan

    Here in Denver

    how does one get a room to rent anyways
  4. DragontheMan

    Here in Denver

    I'm at the New Genesis Men's shelter and I'm utterly shited out about what to do. It's too hot to handle. I just arrive here with money and I'm supposed to spend it all? I need to go back to school, I dont need this homelessness shite in my life. I have no idea how I am going to serve...
  5. DragontheMan

    Donald Trump: Savior of Mankind or Dangerous Nutjob

    Why repost the whole thing if it's TL;DR
  6. DragontheMan

    Donald Trump: Savior of Mankind or Dangerous Nutjob

    Eating Paprika flavored cornmeal: Flaming Hot Cheetos
  7. DragontheMan

    Donald Trump: Savior of Mankind or Dangerous Nutjob

    I just think all the dead bodies on American film is... disturbing. Like, Israel is alive and kicking, no need to Holocaust the Poles again
  8. DragontheMan

    Donald Trump: Savior of Mankind or Dangerous Nutjob

    You have the Nazi hakenkeuz on your tags, does that make you a Nazi Sympathizer like me? Because the worst thing about the Jews is all the people who were killed for being ethnically Jewish. Nerds.
  9. DragontheMan

    Donald Trump: Savior of Mankind or Dangerous Nutjob

    Donald Trump thinks America is one big Foreclosure entitlement scheme
  10. DragontheMan


    No, but seriously...
  11. DragontheMan

    Getting on board with the memes

    *hits vape*
  12. DragontheMan

    Getting on board with the memes

    Oh hi You look like a sweet Christian chick. I was in mixed bible study a few years ago with a lot of girls like you. all the best
  13. DragontheMan


    That food guy is hot, with the belly
  14. DragontheMan


    What is the more traditional schnitzel made with?
  15. DragontheMan

    Hi, thanks for asking I'm here giving a bit of content for the platform and I want to see if...

    Hi, thanks for asking I'm here giving a bit of content for the platform and I want to see if there is any way I can get acquainted with developers and the process of wiki management. Figure I'd start out here since I've researched it for years.
  16. DragontheMan

    Donald Trump: Savior of Mankind or Dangerous Nutjob

    Who now? Pedo-who? I don't know who or what you mean. It's all nonsense. Wealthy elites, who are elites?
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