A lot of people get passionate when talking about their presidential candidates, whether it's Hitler, Mussolini, the Shah of Iran, or everybody's favorite inflatable president, John F. Kennedy.
So where does that leave us? Are we going to sit back and stare apathetically at the TV screen telling us our Glorious Leader, today Joe Biden, is working all things for us in our favor, take our social security payouts (what you think that Stimulus funding is free?) and kick back with some buds and hee and haw with some brews? Or are we going to look forward with a sense of what 2016-2020's greatest certified Autistic has left us with, the legacy of President 45?
Personally I find it appalling that someone with so little respect for the US constitution could rise through the Republican ranks based on nothing more than failed businesses and catchy TV ads. But I digress. Trump has left us with a more open interpretation of Presidential Authority, and it's important to vet candidates based on their actual beliefs and proven strategies at dealing with US Policy as it stands today. Personally, as a member of the Anonymous cult following, I would respect a shady young lawyer over bloated old politicians who know how to throw their clout around at the Capitol. What America needs going forward is someone with a Juris Doctor, and a sense of obligation to the Constitution free and unhindered by the old news press.
And isn't that really what he, our Indefatigible Leader, taught us, is to ignore the old news and follow someone with talent from the University system?
So where does that leave us? Are we going to sit back and stare apathetically at the TV screen telling us our Glorious Leader, today Joe Biden, is working all things for us in our favor, take our social security payouts (what you think that Stimulus funding is free?) and kick back with some buds and hee and haw with some brews? Or are we going to look forward with a sense of what 2016-2020's greatest certified Autistic has left us with, the legacy of President 45?
Personally I find it appalling that someone with so little respect for the US constitution could rise through the Republican ranks based on nothing more than failed businesses and catchy TV ads. But I digress. Trump has left us with a more open interpretation of Presidential Authority, and it's important to vet candidates based on their actual beliefs and proven strategies at dealing with US Policy as it stands today. Personally, as a member of the Anonymous cult following, I would respect a shady young lawyer over bloated old politicians who know how to throw their clout around at the Capitol. What America needs going forward is someone with a Juris Doctor, and a sense of obligation to the Constitution free and unhindered by the old news press.
And isn't that really what he, our Indefatigible Leader, taught us, is to ignore the old news and follow someone with talent from the University system?