encyclopedia dramatica

  1. Hiphoppity

    Two ED's????

    So I don't know if anyone has posted this...but, https://encyclopediadramatica.wiki/index.php/Main_Page It seems like somebody is making a separate AE and I think aeidiot is behind this.
  2. Maysam

    Cloudflare / captcha on ED is kinda clunky

    This Image was shown broken to me until I completed a captcha on ED. I get that it's necessary to avert ddos but there has to be a better way. @aediot
  3. chuj

    cloudflare on æ is fucking retarded

    every time i try to enter wiki cloudflare is verifying my browser. in most cases multiple times a session often when i'm just jumping from page to page. most times it requires solving captcha. tried three different PCs running few different operating systems, my own wifi, neighbor's wifi, tried...
  4. umkemesik

    Malhub will now Officially Become EDF. Welcome AEdiot.

    We are in the process of officially becoming ED's forum. Turns out the things AEdiot wants to do with the current forums are possible on xenforo as well. AEdiot will be given admin here, and together we shall forge a bigger, stronger, harder ED experience. More details are forthcoming.
  5. Maysam

    random image and video thread

    Don't care if it's from 4chin, facebook or twatter, just dump good shit here. It doesn't matter if it's wtf or funny or whatever as long as it's not facebook humor. I'll start
  6. Call Me Tim

    VirginEDF is worried and scared of ChadEDF

  7. umkemesik

    The Legend of Zaiger the Unwise

    Has anyone told you about the story of Zaiger the Unwise? It's not a story that the AEdiot would tell you. Zaiger was a SysOps of ED, so high on H that he could make a Xenforo forum that attracted the biggest lolcows on the internet. MessyJessie, Fumto, Racketeer, Odenius (wtf his name was)...
  8. Call Me Tim

    The pets of the REAL EDF.

    Question: What kind of faggot posts pictures of his pets here. Answer: a massive one.
  9. Call Me Tim

    It's on!!

    The Battle of the EDFs once again commences. Virgin EDF vs Chad EDF. Who will win?
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