kill yourself

  1. EnemyOfTheLulz

    GirlOnTheInternet is a useless bitch that won’t give me what I want!

    I want the nigger badge and I want it now!
  2. EnemyOfTheLulz

    Secular talk , Sam Seder, and David Pakman are the best

    TYT and Alex Jones are funny news but not serious business. I watch the aforementioned for news and the latter two for entertainment
  3. Night Lurker

    monkey post containment

    No tell me lies.
  4. lulziez

    Encyclopedia Dramatica Ponies

    been having fun kek @Baka with planned parenthood cutie mark @TardChick with inflatable pool toy cutie mark @Chimplord1997 with dashcon ballpit cutie mark
  5. gwuncan

    Hey guys. I'm the one who...

    [If you aren't involved in the willg8686 shit I'm sorry ] I'm the one who got groomed(?) by coolspeedyjosh (He was weirdly flirty with me In discord calls, there's a few friends of him [ThePackageReveiwer, Bracketneutron, ect] That can confirm this. Although they just let it slide.) I'm also...
  6. hypeshot

    Im seriously gonna destroy an American flag.

    I have a hatred for 70% of america in general. Im openly anti american.
  7. FlowersFromMichigan


    my nuts hang
  8. hypeshot

    Wikipedia vandalism thread
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