40 Members Party!

Hey, the sub is doing great.

New people everyday. Thanks for helping make that happen.

I will be less active after next week for a while (I have training), so you guys will be running the show, by committee.

I'll still be around. I'll probably be adding a couple of plugins, looking to replace the badge system with a better one.

Any changes should be done with the consent of the mods and other members. Do not ban people unless they do something illegal. Nobody should be de-modded unless that person does something stupid like fuck up the site or is not active.

Other than that, have at it.

I also want to talk about the haters. Earlier today I had it with Aediot (Jacob Stellmach) who was giving me shit about not spending $10 dollars for privacy, being on GoDaddy, and not putting the prototype on SSL (TLS).

Don't listen to these hypocrites. A man who pretends to be an anonymous hacker, and registers ED under an LLC (as if it was his to begin with) and lists only his name is a turbofag. He has no business lecturing us about security. Anytime he talks shit, just refer to him as "Jake" and ask him (a) why is he the sole owner of ED, (b) what good was that extra $10 he spent on a "private domain", (c) and why he is getting sloppy seconds from Zaiger's old bitches.

As far as GoDaddy, I'd rather be there then GoGypsy or whatever the fuck Romanian server they use. We will be moving to a dedicated machine as traffic grows.
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Geez. That's the most obvious ponzi scheme I've ever witnessed. LOL


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