ANTIFA goon attacks man with a skateboard and knife, gets lead injection

also i believe the battery charge is from him hitting a woman, which is what lead to the chase in the first place

I thought so too, but some articles say it was for the shooting. Could be the media being stupid per usual. I'm more interested if the ANTIFA guy gets charged with battery for hitting him with a skate board.


Call Me Tim

Is NM concealed carry state?
Fuck that video was dumb to watch.
Wont let the authorities do their damn job even with their idiot friend shot.
Dunno. I'm pretty sure it's open carry though. But IMO open carry makes you a target.

1312 mentality. And it's pretty obvious that these morons think sticking a Red Cross sticker on your skateboard helmet makes you doctor and protects you under the Geneva Convention. The Anarchists want rules only in their favor.
Is NM concealed carry state?
Fuck that video was dumb to watch.
Wont let the authorities do their damn job even with their idiot friend shot.

When the cops came it took them a moment for antifa.exe to run.

When it started they went all "hands up don't shoot".


Healer's Fist
EDF2 Survivor
Juan onate was the fucker that cut off the feet of the Pueblo Indians.
Ppl have wanted his statues down here torn down for a while.
Why are we murdering each other over this now ffs

Call Me Tim

Juan onate was the fucker that cut off the feet of the Pueblo Indians.
Are you questioning his methods on curing foot fungus? It was effective wasn't it?

Merica literally firebombed Dresden and Tokyo during WW2. And a different set of rules to war then. And when it comes down to it, there are no rules to war. It's something the liberal soybois have to understand. It's funny that they are in the process of making CL2 gas in preparation of the defense of Chaz.

Ppl have wanted his statues down here torn down for a while.
Why are we murdering each other over this now ffs

The fact that the state/city government will allow the open destruction of "offensive" statures (city property), turn a blind eye to businesses being burned because they are owned by offensive corporations and are shocked when they are pushed out of power and lose real estate, taxes and voters is a whole new kind of retarded.


Healer's Fist
EDF2 Survivor
Are you questioning his methods on curing foot fungus? It was effective wasn't it?

Merica literally firebombed Dresden and Tokyo during WW2. And a different set of rules to war then. And when it comes down to it, there are no rules to war. It's something the liberal soybois have to understand. It's funny that they are in the process of making CL2 gas in preparation of the defense of Chaz.

The fact that the state/city government will allow the open destruction of "offensive" statures (city property), turn a blind eye to businesses being burned because they are owned by offensive corporations and are shocked when they are pushed out of power and lose real estate, taxes and voters is a whole new kind of retarded.
Naw I'm saying ppl have been petitioning for legal removal of his statues for a while, and replacing it, without riots and shootouts over a fucking hunk of metal.
These assholes aren't helping the case the remaining Pueblos tried to make regarding the statue n replacing it (the Spanish heritage ppl were gonna put up a statue for him down here but there was a big rigamaroo over it with an Indian Artist bringing in a sculpture of a giant severed foot instead).

I realize war is hell and both sides commit genocide, and I'm pretty neutral towards the Onate thing anyway (I'm not Spanish or indian) but I don't get the self righteous indignation a bunch of dumbass white kids on either side are getting over this.

@assblois right, fuckers need to get a damn job.

Call Me Tim

Naw I'm saying ppl have been petitioning for legal removal of his statues for a while, and replacing it, without riots and shootouts over a fucking hunk of metal.
That's the point. They are erasing history because they don't like it. That's not right. It's because of humanity's mistakes we improve. If we forget the past, or erase the past; humanity is far more likely to repeat them.

What if a bunch of neo-Nazis decided to burn down Holocaust memorials because it was offensive to them? #notAll etc., You have to take the good with the bad. It's something these people don't understand. You cannot make Earth Heaven.


Healer's Fist
EDF2 Survivor
That's the point. They are erasing history because they don't like it. That's not right. It's because of humanity's mistakes we improve. If we forget the past, or erase the past; humanity is far more likely to repeat them.

What if a bunch of neo-Nazis decided to burn down Holocaust memorials because it was offensive to them? #notAll etc., You have to take the good with the bad. It's something these people don't understand. You cannot make Earth Heaven.
We as a society have become so bipolar in our stances that we also cannot accept the flaws in our leaders, they're either perfect or the devil.
Onate was pretty bloodthirsty apparently so I'm excluding him from this (maybe they can keep his statue and put up another for the Pueblos?) but ppl are raging against Churchill n fucking Ghandi too.

Humanity is flawed. Some ppl are good ppl with bad opinions. Some cops are bad, but most are good.
Ppl are dumb af





Old Skool
Is NM concealed carry state?
Fuck that video was dumb to watch.
Wont let the authorities do their damn job even with their idiot friend shot.
Yeah you can apply and get the license but you can't bring it in places like schools, private property, government places, and the obvious airport and other places.
Most of them are corrupt and only chose their jobs for the sake of having power. There's like, 8 good cops.
There are more good cops then bad cops, otherwise the media would be a lot more intimidated.


Healer's Fist
EDF2 Survivor
Yeah you can apply and get the license but you can't bring it in places like schools, private property, government places, and the obvious airport and other places.

There are more good cops then bad cops, otherwise the media would be a lot more intimidated.
That's pretty close to Texas actually with open carry
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