ANTIFAggot bursts into tears when arrested.

There's always China.
if you mean i should move to china, then i don't live in america so no lol, if you mean china's going to overtake the US, then InshAllah they will
i got beat up a little bit by the cops a couple months ago and when i got dragged into my cell the cop was shaking so bad lol.

my buddy said "we arent gonna hurt you. relax" and he got super mad and we laughed at him.

i plead guilty and paid my fines. was in court wearing a muscle shirt sweating profusely and red in the face. neck veins screaming for steroids.
Biden is socialist not communist.
1. Bernie is a dyed in the wool, soviet style communist. He's proudly admitted so for decades. He honeymooned there in 1988 when Soviet was still Soviet. He protested Merica butt ass naked in the Kremlin. I can't make that shit up.
2. Socialism, the forced nationalization of private industries, and the forced centralization of the economy is Communism's first steps.
3. You're an idiot.
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