I've written a small essay (lolnoonecares) for anyone who wants to see my reasoning, if you don't give a shit that's fine just read the rest of the post.
Leftoids were so anti-lulz and easy to troll that trolling naturally took a rightward position, which allowed for a monopoly on trolling from the internet right. This then spiraled into a political dichotomy where if you hurt one side then you're indirectly helping the other. To troll effectively you must reject and shed sincere beliefs and become antipolitical, rejecting politics itself.
There's three types of people I imagine would take this path:
1. Someone who has sincere beliefs and disdains (current) politics.
2. Someone who would like to see the return of trolling.
3. Someone who would like to take this opportunity to troll people effectively.
The first two would require a snowball effect of small-scale trolling and would need strategy and implementation to reach its goals, which I'd be happy to help out with if you want to do that. The third is of individual motivation for whoever wishes to utilize this in their personal exploits.
The fourth type of person I imagine doesn't care, or is either okay with the political dichotomy or is okay with helping the right troll leftists be they sincerely right-wing or no. All of that is fine, this is just for the first three kinds of people.
Have fun ED, even if nobody utilizes this maybe someone will stumble across this and get an idea, either way is fine .
Back in the day it was fairly simple on sites like Digg or Reddit or whatever to troll a normalfag by basically just saying the opposite of what you actually believe, or believe that they believe. Nowadays it's not so simple. I personally believe this is because of the introduction of politics into trolling. Neurotic lefties were really easy to troll and highly entertaining when being trolled but this led to the cooption of trolling by the right. Trolling lefties is pretty apolitical but then trolling right-wingers ends up helping the left. Basically, society is trolling itself and if you participate then you're being trolled by society into helping a side even if you don't want to. I propose this is why trolling has declined in recent years. You don't see trolling like you used to because the classic trolls have abstained and any up-and-comers just go to right-leaning places which limits their potential and creativity for trolling because even if reactionaries don't have any coherent ideology they still need to maintain a pretense of "sincere" belief (read: gay shit). The entire conceit of trolling is that of being insincere for the sake of making someone angry and you cannot do that effectively if you are "sincere" because that's no different from being left or right-wing.
Therefore, if society is trolling you into choosing a side, then you must troll society by burning it all down. The concept is simple, if lefties hold a sincere belief ("everything is political") and rightwingers are reactionary to that belief, you can troll them rejecting both their entire frameworks (politics, and thereby reactionary politics). Mind you, this is not a solution to the culture war, this is a method for trolling where trolling has been repressed by politics. This could be a solution to the culture war but that would be quite weird to have a populace that is antipolitical in a democracy, if you want to you're free to try. Point is, whoever wins the culture war, you just have to start saying the opposite beliefs if you want to troll, but as it stands, it's impossible to for people to troll at scale even if you individually don't care about the political conditions of trolling without becoming a part of the dichotomy.
Therefore, if society is trolling you into choosing a side, then you must troll society by burning it all down. The concept is simple, if lefties hold a sincere belief ("everything is political") and rightwingers are reactionary to that belief, you can troll them rejecting both their entire frameworks (politics, and thereby reactionary politics). Mind you, this is not a solution to the culture war, this is a method for trolling where trolling has been repressed by politics. This could be a solution to the culture war but that would be quite weird to have a populace that is antipolitical in a democracy, if you want to you're free to try. Point is, whoever wins the culture war, you just have to start saying the opposite beliefs if you want to troll, but as it stands, it's impossible to for people to troll at scale even if you individually don't care about the political conditions of trolling without becoming a part of the dichotomy.
Leftoids were so anti-lulz and easy to troll that trolling naturally took a rightward position, which allowed for a monopoly on trolling from the internet right. This then spiraled into a political dichotomy where if you hurt one side then you're indirectly helping the other. To troll effectively you must reject and shed sincere beliefs and become antipolitical, rejecting politics itself.
There's three types of people I imagine would take this path:
1. Someone who has sincere beliefs and disdains (current) politics.
2. Someone who would like to see the return of trolling.
3. Someone who would like to take this opportunity to troll people effectively.
The first two would require a snowball effect of small-scale trolling and would need strategy and implementation to reach its goals, which I'd be happy to help out with if you want to do that. The third is of individual motivation for whoever wishes to utilize this in their personal exploits.
The fourth type of person I imagine doesn't care, or is either okay with the political dichotomy or is okay with helping the right troll leftists be they sincerely right-wing or no. All of that is fine, this is just for the first three kinds of people.
Have fun ED, even if nobody utilizes this maybe someone will stumble across this and get an idea, either way is fine .